Wizzard said:
I have a A8V Asus MB which seems to reboot randomly. I have seen a
suggestion that using AGP 4x instead of 8x may be a solution. How can
I make it to run at 4x please to test this issue?.
In the BIOS, Advanced:Chipset:AGP_Bridge_Configuration.
"AGP Mode" should offer two options, 4X and 8X, for an
8X card.
If you are using an ATI video card, ATI ignores the BIOS
setting. For ATI cards, you use the SmartGART tab and
change the AGP setting there. The setting takes effect on
the next login or reboot.
You can also try enabling "DBI Output For AGP Trans". That
option is manditory in AGP 3.0, so a video card has to support
it. That slightly reduces switching noise when the bus is
transferring data.
For motherboards without a BIOS option to control whether AGP
is 4X or 8X, you can always experiment with Powerstrip from
Entechtaiwan.com .