I'm still stuck on a problem posted earlier. I have an inventory db: tracks
in-stock materials, outstanding orders. All lab staff can order items using
corp. custom software but often confusing as orders are received. Creating
an inventory (vs. updating a running calc.) as no in-stock inventory stats
currently exist.
Product + Order tables related by autonum field 'Itemnum'. I need to track
items currently on order in Order table; delete Order record as that item
received (the custom software will store history). A form will allow order
entry; hope to copy solution to a 2nd form to verify the orders received + to
add the received items to the lab inventory.
I need the 'new order' form to: first list all current orders (should canel
an order for an item if someone already ordered it) [list box -no edit- from
Order table] before entering new order stats starting with selecting the item
name from Product, if it exists (no entry, spelling errors; can also see that
10 - 250ml beakers already in stock!) [Combo box from Product table] and I
need to add the selected 'Product' ItemName, Itemnum (or new item if it's
not in Product) to the Order table when we exit the form.
How can I display both the current 'Order' table or query and the 'Product'
table on the same form? I thought better to split Product, Order data;
orders often have > 1 item & we could get > 1 person ordering different #'s
of same item (new projects). Is one very wide table needed?
I hope to convince coworkers this idea has merit. Thanks for all help to
date. Still trying Northwinds & many great links but not quite there.
Also trying to learn VBA. Any ideas appreciated.
in-stock materials, outstanding orders. All lab staff can order items using
corp. custom software but often confusing as orders are received. Creating
an inventory (vs. updating a running calc.) as no in-stock inventory stats
currently exist.
Product + Order tables related by autonum field 'Itemnum'. I need to track
items currently on order in Order table; delete Order record as that item
received (the custom software will store history). A form will allow order
entry; hope to copy solution to a 2nd form to verify the orders received + to
add the received items to the lab inventory.
I need the 'new order' form to: first list all current orders (should canel
an order for an item if someone already ordered it) [list box -no edit- from
Order table] before entering new order stats starting with selecting the item
name from Product, if it exists (no entry, spelling errors; can also see that
10 - 250ml beakers already in stock!) [Combo box from Product table] and I
need to add the selected 'Product' ItemName, Itemnum (or new item if it's
not in Product) to the Order table when we exit the form.
How can I display both the current 'Order' table or query and the 'Product'
table on the same form? I thought better to split Product, Order data;
orders often have > 1 item & we could get > 1 person ordering different #'s
of same item (new projects). Is one very wide table needed?
I hope to convince coworkers this idea has merit. Thanks for all help to
date. Still trying Northwinds & many great links but not quite there.
Also trying to learn VBA. Any ideas appreciated.