It sounds like you would like to transfer your W2K settings, programs and
data onto a new system and have it run XP. One approach would be to do a
drive copy or create a full system image of your W2K setup and load it onto
the new laptop. A program like Acronis True Image will do that nicely for
you. After the drive copy or image load BUT BEFORE booting the new laptop
to Windows you could pop the XP CD into the drive and do the Repair Install.
Prior to doing this you should ensure the W2K (old laptop) is clean of
viruses and essentially in good shape and running smoothly. You should also
ensure you have the new laptop's drivers available when asked for after the
Harry Ohrn MS MVP [Shell\User]
BrianMultiLanguage said:
My old laptop is w2k.
The new laptop is Xp Home.
I am going to load XP professional.
Should I:
1. Upgrade to w2k to xp_pro, move the drive over to the new laptop and
2. migrate, then upgrade.
3. Or ??