We have an Excel Workbook with several different sheets (tabs). Some sheets
are Portrait and some are landscape. This workbook has a data input sheet for
alot of the data that is used on several of the sheets. We used the =('Input
to automate the data input, but we can't get the Header/Footnote to update.
Our problem is that the Header / Footnote Information is on the Data Input
Sheet already. How can we take the Data from Input Sheet and place it in the
Header / Footnote without changing all the page formatting?
are Portrait and some are landscape. This workbook has a data input sheet for
alot of the data that is used on several of the sheets. We used the =('Input
to automate the data input, but we can't get the Header/Footnote to update.
Our problem is that the Header / Footnote Information is on the Data Input
Sheet already. How can we take the Data from Input Sheet and place it in the
Header / Footnote without changing all the page formatting?