How To Uninstall SP2?



I posted a previous msg, in this Group, entitled, "XP2 . . . I need Help".

Because my pc has no uninstall for SP 2 (no Control Panel feature, no
$NtServicePackUninstall$\spuninst), and it DIDN'T come with an XP CD . . .
how do I uninstall what is apparently a faulty download from the Windows
Update site?

I have recently d/l'd the full version . . . but after reading all of what I
probably should have read prior to my 1st install, I'm hesitant to
re-install, since I can't uninstall the messed up version I already have, and
am not sure it's wise to install the d/l version over what is already messed
up. Any ideas???

Thank you in advance, for any suggestions.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


You did set the system to see hidden and system folders first before looking
for the uninstall folder, yes? You will not be able to see it otherwise. Go
to the Control Panel/Folder Options, and on the View tab, set the options so
you can see hidden and system files. Specifically:

Enable (check) "Display the contents of system folders"
Enable (check) "Show hidden files and folders"
Disable (uncheck): "Hide protected operating system files (recommended)"

I also recommend that you disable (uncheck) "hide extensions for known file

If the folder is definitely not there, then the only way back for you
without loss of existing data will be a repair installation. While this is a
fairly safe procedure, you should still backup to guard against loss of data
(if it goes bad, then a format and clean install will be required and there
will be no chance at that point for data recovery). See this page on
preparing for this:

Reinstalling SP2 will not help you go back, as there will be no pre-SP2
restore point.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


I've done all but uncheck, "Hide protected operating system files
(recommended)", as I received a warning about taking that action. I've
briefly glanced @ the site you listed; again it references booting from a CD,
which I do not have, as my pc did not come with an XP CD. I'll re-read the
article more closely, and will try it if I can. Thank you for your

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


That warning is normal. If you don't have a regular XP CD, you will have to
use whatever your manufacturer supplied as a recovery medium. Often, these
do not include the repair option discussed in the article, you will end up
formatting and doing a clean installation to factory state.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

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