Dear anonymous,
It's always nice to have at least a first name to reference when replying
to a post (John, Harry, Mary, Elisha, anything will do).
There are a few ways to accomplish what you want.
One of the easier solutions would be to use j-walk's
ExtractElement function.
Place the following code in a regular module:
Function ExtractElement(str, N, sepChar)
' Returns the nth element from a string,
' using a specified separator character
Dim x As Variant
x = Split(str, sepChar)
If N > 0 And N - 1 <= UBound(x) Then
ExtractElement = x(N - 1)
ExtractElement = ""
End If
End Function
With your example data ( in A1.
In any cell:
will get the first element before the first period.
will get the string between the first and second period.
etc., etc.
UNCONCATENATE function said:
I know how use CONCATENATE function, but I would like to know is there a
reverse of this function, without havingb to export to text file, and then
import data back into Excel. For instance, If I have cell value of
"", how can I extrapolate values separated by ".". into
separate cells.