mickey said:
I tried to block some e-mail senders now ther e-mails
going in to deleted items or I do not get e-mail at all.
How do I restore or unblock all senders. Thank you.
Mickey Zugec
To find and remove a particular Blocked Sender without scrolling
through the list:
OE>Tools>Message Rules>Blocked Senders List>Highlight the first
address on the list>Click Modify>Type in address you want to remove.
"This address already exists, are you sure you want to replace
it?">Click Yes. Address will now be at the top of the list. Now you
can remove it.
Note: The address that was at the top of the list will also be
removed, so you might want to copy it to re-enter.
To clear the entire list:
The block Senders List is in the Registry:
Express\5.0\Block Senders
where GUID is the Global Unique IDentifier for your identity. Delete