How to un-system file a file?


Don Wiss

Someone gave me a folder where he made the jpgs hidden system files. Right
clicking on Properties doesn't have anything. So how do I restore them to
normal files? Do I have to shell out to the command prompt and set some
attribute there?

Don <> (e-mail link at home page bottom).

db.·.. >

that may be a problem
to avoid because pics
can be encoded with
virus's and is a regular
method of inadvertent

if those pics are seen as
system files then i would
avoid them.

John Barnett MVP

The first thing to do is unhide the folder. I think whoever gave you the
folder simply made it a hidden folder. Take a look at this link from my

Once you have enabled the show hidden files and folders the files should
become visible. Now if you right click on either the older or a file and
select properties you should be able to 'disable the 'hidden' option by
removing the tick from the 'hidden' box in the file properties and then
pressing OK.

John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert
Windows Desktop Experience


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Don Wiss

"Don Wiss" asked:
The first thing to do is unhide the folder. I think whoever gave you the
folder simply made it a hidden folder. Take a look at this link from my

They were not in a hidden folder. I have always had Explorer set to display
all files and all file extensions. So I always saw them. And I could double
click on them and they would display in IrfanView.
Once you have enabled the show hidden files and folders the files should
become visible. Now if you right click on either the older or a file and
select properties you should be able to 'disable the 'hidden' option by
removing the tick from the 'hidden' box in the file properties and then
pressing OK.

When I right clicked the Hidden checkbox was disabled. I went ahead and
deleted them (using Shift-Delete).

Note these were not simply hidden files. They were set to being system
files. Any attempt to touch them brought up a warning that they were system
files and my computer or one of my programs may no longer work correctly.

If you reread my original post you will see my question was not about how
to see hidden files, but how to change a system file to a normal file.

Don <> (e-mail link at home page bottom).

Tim Slattery

Don Wiss said:
Someone gave me a folder where he made the jpgs hidden system files. Right
clicking on Properties doesn't have anything. So how do I restore them to
normal files? Do I have to shell out to the command prompt and set some
attribute there?

The GUI interface lets you set and clear the "hidden " attribute, but
not the "system" attribute. To do that you need to go to the command
console. Navigate to the affected folder and type:

attrib -s -h *.*

That should turn off the system and hidden attributes for all files
within the current directories. As always, for help type:

attrib /?

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