How to turn off the cmd window on start of computer?

  • Thread starter Thread starter zwieback89
  • Start date Start date


I start my windows XP professional laptop and by default I see the cmd
window popping up and it goes after a while. Can you give me a fix to
turn this off so that I do not see this cmd window on start of machine?

zwieback89 said:
I start my windows XP professional laptop and by default I see the cmd
window popping up and it goes after a while. Can you give me a fix to
turn this off so that I do not see this cmd window on start of

Well this doesn't happen in a default installation of Windows XP, so the
'fix' is to figure out what you have running at start-up, and isolate which
one of these is responsible and why.
Do you have a bat file scheduled or in the startup folder.

Ayush [ Be ''?'' Happy ]
|I start my windows XP professional laptop and by default I see the cmd
| window popping up and it goes after a while. Can you give me a fix to
| turn this off so that I do not see this cmd window on start of machine?
| Thanks.
You better check your system for "Schedule Tasks" or Spyware / Malwares and
Viruses. May be your computer is infected.

I was repairing when of my cousin's laptop and he was also getting those CMD

Hope this helps, let us know.