how to turn off ctrl-alt-del log on?



I had my XP pro machine joined to a domain now thats its
not how do I turn off the ctrl-alt-del log on?

Thanks for any info

Ramesh \(XP Power User\)

Click start | run | "control userpasswords"
Click "Change the way users........."
Check both options Fast user swithing and Welcome screen boxes

now, click start | run | control userpasswords2
Advanced tab.
Uncheck "Require users to press CTRL+ ALT + DEL"

Ramesh Srinivasan
MSWindows OS- Poweruser
eMail: (e-mail address removed)
Aim: SRamesh2k

I had my XP pro machine joined to a domain now thats its
not how do I turn off the ctrl-alt-del log on?

Thanks for any info

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