Mark B
I am using DrawString to write the value of a variable, Text1 (email
address), on a square.
If the text is greater than 200 pixels in length, I want to truncate the end
of the text and display three periods:
Any help appreciated:
var lngText1Length = g.MeasureString(Text1, rectangleArialFont12).Width;
g.DrawString(Text1, rectangleArialFont12, SystemBrushes.WindowText, new
PointF(40, 218));
address), on a square.
If the text is greater than 200 pixels in length, I want to truncate the end
of the text and display three periods:
Any help appreciated:
var lngText1Length = g.MeasureString(Text1, rectangleArialFont12).Width;
g.DrawString(Text1, rectangleArialFont12, SystemBrushes.WindowText, new
PointF(40, 218));