How to tell if SP2 or SP3 is installed?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jack Pethtal
  • Start date Start date

Jack Pethtal

Details: Netware 4x,5x,6x environment, Dell PCs

I am building a ZENworks push to deploy the SUS client to
our XP and 2000 systems. The problem is that it is only
required on Win2000 machines that have less than SP2 (less
than SP3 is acceptable but not preferred). Is there some
file version or file date that denotes less than SP2 is
running? In order for ZENworks to determine which
machines to install to, I need specific information like
that (About Windows is not specific enough).

Bottom line, can someone provide me with a file version or
file date that would only be consistent with SP1 or less?
Please email as I am deeply into this project and not
able to check back very often. THANKS!
Details: Netware 4x,5x,6x environment, Dell PCs

I am building a ZENworks push to deploy the SUS client to our XP and 2000
systems. The problem is that it is only required on Win2000 machines
that have less than SP2 (less than SP3 is acceptable but not preferred).
Is there some file version or file date that denotes less than SP2 is
running? In order for ZENworks to determine which machines to install
to, I need specific information like that (About Windows is not specific

Bottom line, can someone provide me with a file version or file date that
would only be consistent with SP1 or less?
Please email as I am deeply into this project and not able to check back
very often. THANKS!

Windows key +pause

or Control panel ->system
I appreciate the reply but thats not exactly what I was
looking for. I need an exact file version or file date
for any 2000 file on an SP2 machine. Something that allows
ZEN to differentiate between an SP1 and an SP2 install.
The info you provided only shows CURRENT version (at SP4).
This may help.

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colOperatingSystems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each objOperatingSystem in colOperatingSystems
Wscript.Echo objOperatingSystem.ServicePackMajorVersion _
& "." & objOperatingSystem.ServicePackMinorVersion
I appreciate the reply but thats not exactly what I was looking for. I
need an exact file version or file date for any 2000 file on an SP2
machine. Something that allows ZEN to differentiate between an SP1 and an
SP2 install. The info you provided only shows CURRENT version (at SP4).

What are you asking for? Something that can tell the service pack version
when SUS was first istalled?
Regardless of future updates?

Can't. Be. Done.