How to switch off Outlook2003 out-going warning messages? (Or get Access to use a different email cl

  • Thread starter Thread starter ship
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Outlook2003 +
Access2003 under WindowsXP Pro


We have a customer list of over 20,000.

We are trying to use Access to generate emails in Outlook.

The problem we have is that Outlook doesn't like having other programs
in this case Access generating AND SENDING emails.

It generates a warning message for each and EVERY email
saying: "A program is trying to automatically send emails on
your behalf" ... "do you want to allow this - it may be a virus"

i.e. If we are to sent out 20,000 emails we'd have to click "yes"
20,000 times!

Shiperton Henethe

P.S. The other alternative would be to fill up the Outlook's Outbox.
However this seems to be INCREDIBLY unreliable. e.g. When you have over
16,000 emails going out from Outlook2003, if it incurs an error in any
it may send most of the emails, but it may still leave them all in the
Hence we find it more reliable to sent the email (slowly - which is
one at a time.
ship said:
Outlook2003 +
Access2003 under WindowsXP Pro

We have a customer list of over 20,000.

Outlook really isn't a massmail tool, but see if something here helps:
We are trying to use Access to generate emails in Outlook.

The problem we have is that Outlook doesn't like having other programs
in this case Access generating AND SENDING emails.

It generates a warning message for each and EVERY email
saying: "A program is trying to automatically send emails on
your behalf" ... "do you want to allow this - it may be a virus"

See this for your options concerning the Outlook Object Model Guard: