I've built a report using a aggregate query that is grouped by Month +
Year, Program and Name. When I feed the date ranges as query
parameters, it will very properly print out a report that shows a
separate page for each program by month with the names of the folks in
that program. So far, so good... But what I need to complete the
report is a summary page for the entire date range in the same format.
I have no &%^# idea how to do that.
Do I have to fire off a separate report using the same parameters from
an event in the month-by-month report, or is there an easier way? Can
anyone help me (with this problem...the rest of me is beyond help)?
If anyone's feeling particularly masochistic, the SQL statement is
included below.
Neill Dumont
SELECT tblCharges.month_yr, tblCharges.program, [last]+", "+[first] AS
Name, Sum(IIf([professional],[hours],0)) AS Prof,
Sum(IIf([unduplicated],1,0)) AS [1st Time],
Sum(IIf([gender]="Male",[hours],0)) AS Male,
Sum(IIf([gender]="Female",[hours],0)) AS Female, Sum(IIf(age([dob])
Between 6 And 17,[hours],0)) AS [6-17], Sum(IIf(age([dob]) Between 18
And 29,[hours],0)) AS [18-29], Sum(IIf(age([dob]) Between 30 And
65,[hours],0)) AS [30-65], Sum(IIf(age([dob])>65,[hours],0)) AS [65+],
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="White",[hours],0)) AS White,
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="Black",[hours],0)) AS Black,
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="Hispanic",[hours],0)) AS Hispanic,
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="Asian",[hours],0)) AS Asian,
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="Native American",[hours],0)) AS NatAm,
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="Other",[hours],0)) AS Other,
Sum(IIf([hours]>0,[hours],0)) AS TotHours
FROM tblVolunteers RIGHT JOIN tblCharges ON tblVolunteers.vol_id =
WHERE (((tblCharges.month_yr) Between
[Forms]![frmSetReportRange]![txtStart] And
GROUP BY tblCharges.month_yr, tblCharges.program, [last]+", "+[first];
Year, Program and Name. When I feed the date ranges as query
parameters, it will very properly print out a report that shows a
separate page for each program by month with the names of the folks in
that program. So far, so good... But what I need to complete the
report is a summary page for the entire date range in the same format.
I have no &%^# idea how to do that.
Do I have to fire off a separate report using the same parameters from
an event in the month-by-month report, or is there an easier way? Can
anyone help me (with this problem...the rest of me is beyond help)?
If anyone's feeling particularly masochistic, the SQL statement is
included below.
Neill Dumont
SELECT tblCharges.month_yr, tblCharges.program, [last]+", "+[first] AS
Name, Sum(IIf([professional],[hours],0)) AS Prof,
Sum(IIf([unduplicated],1,0)) AS [1st Time],
Sum(IIf([gender]="Male",[hours],0)) AS Male,
Sum(IIf([gender]="Female",[hours],0)) AS Female, Sum(IIf(age([dob])
Between 6 And 17,[hours],0)) AS [6-17], Sum(IIf(age([dob]) Between 18
And 29,[hours],0)) AS [18-29], Sum(IIf(age([dob]) Between 30 And
65,[hours],0)) AS [30-65], Sum(IIf(age([dob])>65,[hours],0)) AS [65+],
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="White",[hours],0)) AS White,
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="Black",[hours],0)) AS Black,
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="Hispanic",[hours],0)) AS Hispanic,
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="Asian",[hours],0)) AS Asian,
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="Native American",[hours],0)) AS NatAm,
Sum(IIf([ethnicity]="Other",[hours],0)) AS Other,
Sum(IIf([hours]>0,[hours],0)) AS TotHours
FROM tblVolunteers RIGHT JOIN tblCharges ON tblVolunteers.vol_id =
WHERE (((tblCharges.month_yr) Between
[Forms]![frmSetReportRange]![txtStart] And
GROUP BY tblCharges.month_yr, tblCharges.program, [last]+", "+[first];