How to strip out non numeric characters in a query



I need to strip out all the non numeric characters
in a query. Please advise how to do this.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Here is a function that will do this:

'* *
'* Fxn StripAllNonNumericChars *
'* *

' ** This function strips all nonnumeric characters from a text string.

Function StripAllNonNumericChars(strOriginalString As String) As String
Dim blnStrip As Boolean
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim strTemp As String, strChar As String
On Error Resume Next
For lngLoop = Len(strOriginalString) To 1 Step -1
blnStrip = True
strChar = Mid(strOriginalString, lngLoop, 1)
For intLoop = Asc("0") To Asc("9")
If strChar = Chr(intLoop) Then
blnStrip = False
Exit For
End If
Next intLoop
If blnStrip = False Then strTemp = strChar & strTemp
Next lngLoop
StripAllNonNumericChars = strTemp
Exit Function
End Function



That is a real mouthfull.

What I really need is the following:

substring(string from pattern)

Extract substring matching POSIX regular expression

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Unfortunately, I am not knowledgeable about REGEX and similar types of
pattern matching. John Nurick and Douglas Steele (both MVPs) are, however; I
will "ping" them to take a look at this thread.

Graham R Seach


Firstly, add the following to a standard module:

Public Enum StripType
se_Char = &H1
se_Num = &H2
se_NonWord = &H4
se_Space = &H8
se_AllButChar = &H10
se_AllButNum = &H20
se_Custom = &H40
End Enum

Public Function StripEx(sText As String, lExpr As StripType, Optional
sUsrExpr As String = "") As String
' Function to selectively strip any combination of the following from a
' Characters (a-z or A-Z)
' Numbers (0-9)
' Non-Word characters (~!@#$%, etc. Anything other than a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
' Spaces

Dim objRegEx As Object
Dim sRegExpr As String

Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

If lExpr And se_Custom Then
'User-defined expression
sRegExpr = sUsrExpr
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButChar Then
'Strip out everything except alpha characters
sRegExpr = "[^a-zA-Z]"
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButNum Then
'Strip out everything except numbers
sRegExpr = "\D"
'Custom strip
If lExpr And se_Char Then sRegExpr = "[a-zA-Z]"
If lExpr And se_Num Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr) >
0, "|", "") & "\d"
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\W"
If lExpr And se_Space Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr) >
0, "|", "") & "\s"
End If
'Debug.Print "Regular Expression: " & sRegExpr

With objRegEx
.Pattern = sRegExpr
.Global = True
StripEx = .Replace(sText, "")
End With

Set objRegEx = Nothing
End Function

You can then call this function from your query:
SELECT StripEx(myqueryfield, 32) As numbersonly
FROM tblMyTable

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Canberra, Australia


The code wouldnt compile

Graham R Seach said:

Firstly, add the following to a standard module:

Public Enum StripType
se_Char = &H1
se_Num = &H2
se_NonWord = &H4
se_Space = &H8
se_AllButChar = &H10
se_AllButNum = &H20
se_Custom = &H40
End Enum

Public Function StripEx(sText As String, lExpr As StripType, Optional
sUsrExpr As String = "") As String
' Function to selectively strip any combination of the following from a
' Characters (a-z or A-Z)
' Numbers (0-9)
' Non-Word characters (~!@#$%, etc. Anything other than a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
' Spaces

Dim objRegEx As Object
Dim sRegExpr As String

Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

If lExpr And se_Custom Then
'User-defined expression
sRegExpr = sUsrExpr
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButChar Then
'Strip out everything except alpha characters
sRegExpr = "[^a-zA-Z]"
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButNum Then
'Strip out everything except numbers
sRegExpr = "\D"
'Custom strip
If lExpr And se_Char Then sRegExpr = "[a-zA-Z]"
If lExpr And se_Num Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr) >
0, "|", "") & "\d"
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr &
0, "|", "") & "\W"
If lExpr And se_Space Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\s"
End If
'Debug.Print "Regular Expression: " & sRegExpr

With objRegEx
.Pattern = sRegExpr
.Global = True
StripEx = .Replace(sText, "")
End With

Set objRegEx = Nothing
End Function

You can then call this function from your query:
SELECT StripEx(myqueryfield, 32) As numbersonly
FROM tblMyTable

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Canberra, Australia

tom said:
I need to strip out all the non numeric characters
in a query. Please advise how to do this.


Your code works but when I try to use it in a join
with a another table with text field, I am getting
a data type mismatch. Some of the entries are coming
up #error. Could that be the problem?

Douglas J Steele

Did you correct for the word-wrap in Graham's code?

The 3 lines of code

If lExpr And se_Num Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr) >
0, "|", "") & "\d"
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\W"
If lExpr And se_Space Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\s"

should each be one line each. Try the following instead:

If lExpr And se_Num Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\d"
End If
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\W"
End If
If lExpr And se_Space Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\s"
End If

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tom said:
The code wouldnt compile

Graham R Seach said:

Firstly, add the following to a standard module:

Public Enum StripType
se_Char = &H1
se_Num = &H2
se_NonWord = &H4
se_Space = &H8
se_AllButChar = &H10
se_AllButNum = &H20
se_Custom = &H40
End Enum

Public Function StripEx(sText As String, lExpr As StripType, Optional
sUsrExpr As String = "") As String
' Function to selectively strip any combination of the following from a
' Characters (a-z or A-Z)
' Numbers (0-9)
' Non-Word characters (~!@#$%, etc. Anything other than a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
' Spaces
Dim objRegEx As Object
Dim sRegExpr As String

Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

If lExpr And se_Custom Then
'User-defined expression
sRegExpr = sUsrExpr
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButChar Then
'Strip out everything except alpha characters
sRegExpr = "[^a-zA-Z]"
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButNum Then
'Strip out everything except numbers
sRegExpr = "\D"
'Custom strip
If lExpr And se_Char Then sRegExpr = "[a-zA-Z]"
If lExpr And se_Num Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\d"
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr &
If lExpr And se_Space Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
End If
'Debug.Print "Regular Expression: " & sRegExpr

With objRegEx
.Pattern = sRegExpr
.Global = True
StripEx = .Replace(sText, "")
End With

Set objRegEx = Nothing
End Function

You can then call this function from your query:
SELECT StripEx(myqueryfield, 32) As numbersonly
FROM tblMyTable

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Canberra, Australia


The problem is with the enum. I am using
Access 97. I am worried about upgrading for
fear of breaking the code I have there.

Is there problems with upgrading from Access 97.

Douglas J Steele said:
Did you correct for the word-wrap in Graham's code?

The 3 lines of code

If lExpr And se_Num Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr) >
0, "|", "") & "\d"
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr &
0, "|", "") & "\W"
If lExpr And se_Space Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\s"

should each be one line each. Try the following instead:

If lExpr And se_Num Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\d"
End If
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\W"
End If
If lExpr And se_Space Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\s"
End If

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tom said:
The code wouldnt compile

Graham R Seach said:

Firstly, add the following to a standard module:

Public Enum StripType
se_Char = &H1
se_Num = &H2
se_NonWord = &H4
se_Space = &H8
se_AllButChar = &H10
se_AllButNum = &H20
se_Custom = &H40
End Enum

Public Function StripEx(sText As String, lExpr As StripType, Optional
sUsrExpr As String = "") As String
' Function to selectively strip any combination of the following from a
' Characters (a-z or A-Z)
' Numbers (0-9)
' Non-Word characters (~!@#$%, etc. Anything other than a-z, A-Z,
' Spaces
Dim objRegEx As Object
Dim sRegExpr As String

Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

If lExpr And se_Custom Then
'User-defined expression
sRegExpr = sUsrExpr
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButChar Then
'Strip out everything except alpha characters
sRegExpr = "[^a-zA-Z]"
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButNum Then
'Strip out everything except numbers
sRegExpr = "\D"
'Custom strip
If lExpr And se_Char Then sRegExpr = "[a-zA-Z]"
If lExpr And se_Num Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\d"
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr &
0, "|", "") & "\W"
If lExpr And se_Space Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\s"
End If
'Debug.Print "Regular Expression: " & sRegExpr

With objRegEx
.Pattern = sRegExpr
.Global = True
StripEx = .Replace(sText, "")
End With

Set objRegEx = Nothing
End Function

You can then call this function from your query:
SELECT StripEx(myqueryfield, 32) As numbersonly
FROM tblMyTable

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Canberra, Australia

Douglas J Steele


Const se_Char As Long = &H1
Const se_Num As Long = &H2
Const se_NonWord As Long = &H4
Const se_Space As Long = &H8
Const se_AllButChar As Long = &H10
Const se_AllButNum As Long = &H20
Const se_Custom As Long = &H40

Public Function StripEx(sText As String, lExpr As Long, Optional sUsrExpr As
String = "") As String

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tom said:
The problem is with the enum. I am using
Access 97. I am worried about upgrading for
fear of breaking the code I have there.

Is there problems with upgrading from Access 97.

Douglas J Steele said:
Did you correct for the word-wrap in Graham's code?

The 3 lines of code

If lExpr And se_Num Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\d"
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr &
0, "|", "") & "\W"
If lExpr And se_Space Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\s"

should each be one line each. Try the following instead:

If lExpr And se_Num Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\d"
End If
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\W"
End If
If lExpr And se_Space Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\s"
End If

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tom said:
The code wouldnt compile


Firstly, add the following to a standard module:

Public Enum StripType
se_Char = &H1
se_Num = &H2
se_NonWord = &H4
se_Space = &H8
se_AllButChar = &H10
se_AllButNum = &H20
se_Custom = &H40
End Enum

Public Function StripEx(sText As String, lExpr As StripType, Optional
sUsrExpr As String = "") As String
' Function to selectively strip any combination of the following from a
' Characters (a-z or A-Z)
' Numbers (0-9)
' Non-Word characters (~!@#$%, etc. Anything other than a-z, A-Z,
' Spaces
Dim objRegEx As Object
Dim sRegExpr As String

Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

If lExpr And se_Custom Then
'User-defined expression
sRegExpr = sUsrExpr
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButChar Then
'Strip out everything except alpha characters
sRegExpr = "[^a-zA-Z]"
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButNum Then
'Strip out everything except numbers
sRegExpr = "\D"
'Custom strip
If lExpr And se_Char Then sRegExpr = "[a-zA-Z]"
If lExpr And se_Num Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)

0, "|", "") & "\d"
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr &
0, "|", "") & "\W"
If lExpr And se_Space Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\s"
End If
'Debug.Print "Regular Expression: " & sRegExpr

With objRegEx
.Pattern = sRegExpr
.Global = True
StripEx = .Replace(sText, "")
End With

Set objRegEx = Nothing
End Function

You can then call this function from your query:
SELECT StripEx(myqueryfield, 32) As numbersonly
FROM tblMyTable

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Canberra, Australia

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

?? Using the function in a join in a query? Post the SQL statement that you
created to do this so I can see what you mean.


FROM [Purchase Order] LEFT JOIN Query2 ON [Purchase Order].[Purchase Order Number] = Query2.Expr1;

Query2 is as follows:

SELECT StripAllNonNumericChars([Source of Order]) AS Expr1, invoice.[Invoice Number]
FROM invoice;

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

I'm guessing that [Purchase Order].[Purchase Order Number] is a numeric
data type? The function is returning a string data type, which I did so that
you are not limited in the length of the "numeric" string that you use.

Assuming that the number of digits in the purchase order number will fit
into a Long Integer value, change Query2 to this:

SELECT CLng(StripAllNonNumericChars([Source of Order])) AS Expr1,
invoice.[Invoice Number]
FROM invoice;

Ken Snell

Tom said:
FROM [Purchase Order] LEFT JOIN Query2 ON [Purchase Order].[Purchase Order
Number] = Query2.Expr1;

Query2 is as follows:

SELECT StripAllNonNumericChars([Source of Order]) AS Expr1,
invoice.[Invoice Number]
FROM invoice;

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
?? Using the function in a join in a query? Post the SQL statement that
created to do this so I can see what you mean.


purchase order.Purchase order number is a text type. Your query
is returning some values #error

I have not yet tried to strip out these and try the
query again. It seems that your code should
return a string, which I understand would be a
text type, so I am a bit confused.

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
I'm guessing that [Purchase Order].[Purchase Order Number] is a numeric
data type? The function is returning a string data type, which I did so that
you are not limited in the length of the "numeric" string that you use.

Assuming that the number of digits in the purchase order number will fit
into a Long Integer value, change Query2 to this:

SELECT CLng(StripAllNonNumericChars([Source of Order])) AS Expr1,
invoice.[Invoice Number]
FROM invoice;

Ken Snell

Tom said:
FROM [Purchase Order] LEFT JOIN Query2 ON [Purchase Order].[Purchase Order
Number] = Query2.Expr1;

Query2 is as follows:

SELECT StripAllNonNumericChars([Source of Order]) AS Expr1,
invoice.[Invoice Number]
FROM invoice;

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
?? Using the function in a join in a query? Post the SQL statement that
created to do this so I can see what you mean.


Ken Snell

Your code works but when I try to use it in a join
with a another table with text field, I am getting
a data type mismatch. Some of the entries are coming
up #error. Could that be the problem?

Here is a function that will do this:

'* *
'* Fxn StripAllNonNumericChars *
'* *

' ** This function strips all nonnumeric characters from a text

Function StripAllNonNumericChars(strOriginalString As String) As
Dim blnStrip As Boolean
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim strTemp As String, strChar As String
On Error Resume Next
For lngLoop = Len(strOriginalString) To 1 Step -1
blnStrip = True
strChar = Mid(strOriginalString, lngLoop, 1)
For intLoop = Asc("0") To Asc("9")
If strChar = Chr(intLoop) Then
blnStrip = False
Exit For
End If
Next intLoop
If blnStrip = False Then strTemp = strChar & strTemp
Next lngLoop
StripAllNonNumericChars = strTemp
Exit Function
End Function


Ken Snell

I need to strip out all the non numeric characters
in a query. Please advise how to do this.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Let's see some examples of data that are in "Source of Order" field .. by
any chance, can some of them be Null values? Assuming that they might be,
change the function to this so that it handles Null value being passed to
the function:

Function StripAllNonNumericChars(varOriginalString As Variant) As String
Dim blnStrip As Boolean
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim strTemp As String, strChar As String
Dim strOriginalString As String
On Error Resume Next
strTemp = ""
strOriginalString = Nz(varOriginalString, "")
For lngLoop = Len(strOriginalString) To 1 Step -1
blnStrip = True
strChar = Mid(strOriginalString, lngLoop, 1)
For intLoop = Asc("0") To Asc("9")
If strChar = Chr(intLoop) Then
blnStrip = False
Exit For
End If
Next intLoop
If blnStrip = False Then strTemp = strChar & strTemp
Next lngLoop
StripAllNonNumericChars = strTemp
Exit Function
End Function


Ken Snell

Tom said:
purchase order.Purchase order number is a text type. Your query
is returning some values #error

I have not yet tried to strip out these and try the
query again. It seems that your code should
return a string, which I understand would be a
text type, so I am a bit confused.

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
I'm guessing that [Purchase Order].[Purchase Order Number] is a numeric
data type? The function is returning a string data type, which I did so
you are not limited in the length of the "numeric" string that you use.

Assuming that the number of digits in the purchase order number will fit
into a Long Integer value, change Query2 to this:

SELECT CLng(StripAllNonNumericChars([Source of Order])) AS Expr1,
invoice.[Invoice Number]
FROM invoice;

Ken Snell

Tom said:
FROM [Purchase Order] LEFT JOIN Query2 ON [Purchase Order].[Purchase
Number] = Query2.Expr1;

Query2 is as follows:

SELECT StripAllNonNumericChars([Source of Order]) AS Expr1,
invoice.[Invoice Number]
FROM invoice;

?? Using the function in a join in a query? Post the SQL statement
created to do this so I can see what you mean.


Ken Snell

Your code works but when I try to use it in a join
with a another table with text field, I am getting
a data type mismatch. Some of the entries are coming
up #error. Could that be the problem?

Here is a function that will do this:

'* *
'* Fxn StripAllNonNumericChars *
'* *

' ** This function strips all nonnumeric characters from a text

Function StripAllNonNumericChars(strOriginalString As String) As
Dim blnStrip As Boolean
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim strTemp As String, strChar As String
On Error Resume Next
For lngLoop = Len(strOriginalString) To 1 Step -1
blnStrip = True
strChar = Mid(strOriginalString, lngLoop, 1)
For intLoop = Asc("0") To Asc("9")
If strChar = Chr(intLoop) Then
blnStrip = False
Exit For
End If
Next intLoop
If blnStrip = False Then strTemp = strChar & strTemp
Next lngLoop
StripAllNonNumericChars = strTemp
Exit Function
End Function


Ken Snell

I need to strip out all the non numeric characters
in a query. Please advise how to do this.

Graham R Seach

Ahhh, Access 97! Access 97 doesn't know about enums. Change the enums to

Public Const se_Char = &H1
Public Const se_Num = &H2
Public Const se_NonWord = &H4
Public Const se_Space = &H8
Public Const se_AllButChar = &H10
Public Const se_AllButNum = &H20
Public Const se_Custom = &H40

Public Function StripEx(sText As String, lExpr As Integer, Optional sUsrExpr
As String = "") As String

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Canberra, Australia

tom said:
The problem is with the enum. I am using
Access 97. I am worried about upgrading for
fear of breaking the code I have there.

Is there problems with upgrading from Access 97.

Douglas J Steele said:
Did you correct for the word-wrap in Graham's code?

The 3 lines of code

If lExpr And se_Num Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr) >
0, "|", "") & "\d"
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr &
0, "|", "") & "\W"
If lExpr And se_Space Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\s"

should each be one line each. Try the following instead:

If lExpr And se_Num Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\d"
End If
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\W"
End If
If lExpr And se_Space Then
sRegExpr = sRegExpr & _
IIf(Len(sRegExpr) > 0, "|", "") & "\s"
End If

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tom said:
The code wouldnt compile


Firstly, add the following to a standard module:

Public Enum StripType
se_Char = &H1
se_Num = &H2
se_NonWord = &H4
se_Space = &H8
se_AllButChar = &H10
se_AllButNum = &H20
se_Custom = &H40
End Enum

Public Function StripEx(sText As String, lExpr As StripType, Optional
sUsrExpr As String = "") As String
' Function to selectively strip any combination of the following from
' Characters (a-z or A-Z)
' Numbers (0-9)
' Non-Word characters (~!@#$%, etc. Anything other than a-z, A-Z,
' Spaces

Dim objRegEx As Object
Dim sRegExpr As String

Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

If lExpr And se_Custom Then
'User-defined expression
sRegExpr = sUsrExpr
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButChar Then
'Strip out everything except alpha characters
sRegExpr = "[^a-zA-Z]"
ElseIf lExpr And se_AllButNum Then
'Strip out everything except numbers
sRegExpr = "\D"
'Custom strip
If lExpr And se_Char Then sRegExpr = "[a-zA-Z]"
If lExpr And se_Num Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr &

0, "|", "") & "\d"
If lExpr And se_NonWord Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr &
0, "|", "") & "\W"
If lExpr And se_Space Then sRegExpr = sRegExpr & IIf(Len(sRegExpr)
0, "|", "") & "\s"
End If
'Debug.Print "Regular Expression: " & sRegExpr

With objRegEx
.Pattern = sRegExpr
.Global = True
StripEx = .Replace(sText, "")
End With

Set objRegEx = Nothing
End Function

You can then call this function from your query:
SELECT StripEx(myqueryfield, 32) As numbersonly
FROM tblMyTable

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Canberra, Australia


That code worked. I looked at your first code
and I think that should have worked as well.
Access should be using an empty string by default

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Let's see some examples of data that are in "Source of Order" field .. by
any chance, can some of them be Null values? Assuming that they might be,
change the function to this so that it handles Null value being passed to
the function:

Function StripAllNonNumericChars(varOriginalString As Variant) As String
Dim blnStrip As Boolean
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim strTemp As String, strChar As String
Dim strOriginalString As String
On Error Resume Next
strTemp = ""
strOriginalString = Nz(varOriginalString, "")
For lngLoop = Len(strOriginalString) To 1 Step -1
blnStrip = True
strChar = Mid(strOriginalString, lngLoop, 1)
For intLoop = Asc("0") To Asc("9")
If strChar = Chr(intLoop) Then
blnStrip = False
Exit For
End If
Next intLoop
If blnStrip = False Then strTemp = strChar & strTemp
Next lngLoop
StripAllNonNumericChars = strTemp
Exit Function
End Function


Ken Snell

Tom said:
purchase order.Purchase order number is a text type. Your query
is returning some values #error

I have not yet tried to strip out these and try the
query again. It seems that your code should
return a string, which I understand would be a
text type, so I am a bit confused.

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
I'm guessing that [Purchase Order].[Purchase Order Number] is a numeric
data type? The function is returning a string data type, which I did so
you are not limited in the length of the "numeric" string that you use.

Assuming that the number of digits in the purchase order number will fit
into a Long Integer value, change Query2 to this:

SELECT CLng(StripAllNonNumericChars([Source of Order])) AS Expr1,
invoice.[Invoice Number]
FROM invoice;

Ken Snell

FROM [Purchase Order] LEFT JOIN Query2 ON [Purchase Order].[Purchase
Number] = Query2.Expr1;

Query2 is as follows:

SELECT StripAllNonNumericChars([Source of Order]) AS Expr1,
invoice.[Invoice Number]
FROM invoice;

?? Using the function in a join in a query? Post the SQL statement
created to do this so I can see what you mean.


Ken Snell

Your code works but when I try to use it in a join
with a another table with text field, I am getting
a data type mismatch. Some of the entries are coming
up #error. Could that be the problem?

Here is a function that will do this:

'* *
'* Fxn StripAllNonNumericChars *
'* *

' ** This function strips all nonnumeric characters from a text

Function StripAllNonNumericChars(strOriginalString As String) As
Dim blnStrip As Boolean
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim strTemp As String, strChar As String
On Error Resume Next
For lngLoop = Len(strOriginalString) To 1 Step -1
blnStrip = True
strChar = Mid(strOriginalString, lngLoop, 1)
For intLoop = Asc("0") To Asc("9")
If strChar = Chr(intLoop) Then
blnStrip = False
Exit For
End If
Next intLoop
If blnStrip = False Then strTemp = strChar & strTemp
Next lngLoop
StripAllNonNumericChars = strTemp
Exit Function
End Function


Ken Snell

I need to strip out all the non numeric characters
in a query. Please advise how to do this.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Tom said:
That code worked. I looked at your first code
and I think that should have worked as well.
Access should be using an empty string by default

Actually, there is a good reason for having Null and empty string as
potential values. Null means that there is no value for that field; empty
string means that the value is a blank (there is a value, but it contains no
characters). These are distinctly different values with good uses.

You can change the design of your database so that the default value of the
text field is an empty string and so that the field is required to have a
value. That will eliminate the possibility of Null values in the records in
the future. Before you do this, though, run an update query to change all
Null values in that field to an empty string.

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