How to store custom data with Folder

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In order to store my own custom data with an item i used named
properties, and add them via REDEMPTION .HrSetOneProp method ,
is the same possible with folder, and how????

I want create custom property to ost folder e.g. userID property.

By using .HrSetOneProp .. .. .... and passing folder obbject end
up with exception.


TNX in Advance.
Whenever you need a custom property, it must be a named property (see and scroll to the Named
Properties section) to make sure it does not conflict with anybody's else
Also note that while folders in PST stores support named properties,
Exchange folders do not.
The standard way to store folder-wide properties is to create a hidden
(associated) message in that folder with a custom message class and use it
to store the data - see RDOFolder.HiddenItems

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
Thanks fo replay,

So the add Property option in OutlookSpy's IMAPIFOlder is only for pst
By the way in order to add property (named) in mail item via
OutlookSpy when i should set a property name???

1. You can set a regular property on a folder when using the Exchange
provider of course, but it will fail for a property in the >= 0x80000000
2. Click IMessage button on the OutlookSpy toolbar, then click "Add
Property" button.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
2. Click IMessage button on the OutlookSpy toolbar, then click "Add
Property" button.

But where in appeared dialog form i set the name for property??? and
ID ?? how should i get it or calculate it.

Dmitry maybe there is workaround concerning the folder's proeperty??
All i need to save is one property
and every time create RDOFolder and check for hidden item and get the
property from this item it will strike the performance.
I should check for this property every time for every mail that i get.

Thanks in advance.
Select the "This is a named property" radio box, then in the ID edit box
specify either an integer ID (if Kind = MNID_ID) or a srting name (if kind
= MNID_STRING). What that id/name is up to you. Same with the GUID: if you
want to make sure nothing ever collides with your custom tag, pick your own
ubique GUID.
As for perfromance, why can't it be stored in the registry? Or cached in

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
Thanks it works, is it possible to add hidden items to folder via
OutlookSpy?? Is it possible to to view for hidden items
in some folder via OutlokSpy (or only to write scipt in the Script
Editor )??

Suppose i have 20 folders or more and for each folder i should add
property e.g. userID,
for example 3 folders may have same userID property other userID in 2
folders and so on,
so in this case i should create some dictionary list that will have
form userID | FolderName
and for each item arrive (a lot items will arrive pereodically) i
should get the property (named) userID from arrived mailItem
check to wich folder (via dictionary) it's belong and then move.
So in the addIn startUp i should iterate over all my folder tree and
build the dictionary.

Any suggestion, to how implement the scenario above???

OutlookSpy does not let you add new mesages, neither regular nor associated.
There is no specific reason, it is just nobody asked for that feature :-)
To see tehe existing hidden items, click IMAPIFolder button, then go to the
"Associated Contents" tab.
You did not answer *why* exactly you want to store data on the folder level
rather than registry or file system.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
The reason to store data on the folder level rather than registry or
file systems is beacause
if some user change his machine or format it's machine all data stored
on registry or file system level are
erased or not available (in case user logged in to other machine and
open Outlook). However when i store
data on folder level, it doesn't matter, cause when user log in to
some machine and configured Outlook to work
against Exchange all data and my data also are syncronized.

What do you think???

Thnask in advance.
Ok, then a hidden item is the way to go.
What kind of data are you storing? Is it really per-folder? If not, you can
store everything as a hidden message in, say, Inbox.
I don't see this as a performance problem as long as you read the data only
wwhen you actually need it and cache it in memory for the lifetime of your

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
Thank you for replay.

The data i need to store are user's details id, user name, ....

Each user has his own folder and sub-folders and also may have other
users folders (delegate)
and to these folders i need to store data. I think it's better to
store hidden item per user's folder
e.g. i have folder AAAAA inside this folder i create hidden item with
user's details, for subfolder
i wouldn't ceate hidden item, cause i can check where i locate in

How i set named properties to hidden item via redemption??
that's what i do:

RDO.RDOFolder rFolder = RdoSession.GetFolderFromID(folderEntryID,
folderStoreID, Type.Missing);
RDO.RDOItems rHiddenItems = rFolder.HiddenItems;

/*i will identify my hidden item by subject.*/

..... i check here if item with such subject already exists

rHiddenItem = rFolder.HiddenItems.Add("IPM.Note");
rHiddenItem.Subject = ... some constant string .....;

here i shlould add named properties, how should i add them ?? by help
propID, .................
or there are other posibilities?? and also for get these properties.

Thanks in advance.
1. Your code should be adding the hidden item only once. Check that the
message already exists in the HiddenItems collection (pass the appropriate
subject to the RDOItems.Item method). If NULL is returned, call
2. A property can be added using RDOMail.Fields - see . There is abolsutely no
reason to use MAPIUtils object in this case.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
Thanks for replay,

In case i'll use RDOMail.Fields i yet need use the GetIDsFromNames
cause i don't know the ProgTag of
named property. So it's same like use the MAPIUtils object .

Am i right??

TNX in Advance.
You *can* use GetIDsFromNames (which RDOMail exposes), but you don't have
to - the RDOMail version of fields also takes a DASL property name
(string) - in that case Redemption will call GetIDsFromNames internally:

Prop =

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
I see, but Dmitry in DASL 8582000B is my PropTag?? Do you mean that i
should store it??
I don't inderstand, Also in your samples there are only getters of
properties and no setters.

Thanks in Advance.
Yes, the DASL name includes the GUID and id.
Look at a message which has your custom property set with OutlookSpy (url
below) - click IMessage, locate the property, look at the DASL edit box on
the right hand side of the window. You can hardcode that DASL name in your
Setting a property is not any different from reading it:

= SomeBooleanValue

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool