Having thought about this problem and after a look at the source code for
the Framework DataTime Class,
I see no reason why a Arab version of DateTime could not be written.
I would of cource need a set of the official rules, as set by the Koran no
doubt, to judge this exactly.
From my basic knowlage of the Moon Calendar I see no problem here.
But if I remember correctly, there are certin regulations as to when the
month starts accourding to where the moon rises at certin points. This of
cource could hinder a mathamatical solution.
If you could supply these regulation that are accepted generly in the Arab
world, then I would consider accepting a commission to to this, if offered.
The DateTime stored in a Database is basicly a number - it would be up to
program reading it to interpid the meaning of this number.
Recieving and Sending a Gregory/Islamic equation should be no problem.
Send me an E-Mail if you are interested in solving this interesting
Internationaltion Problem. (German or English)
Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany
(e-mail address removed)
Vamsi said:
Hi all
Iam developing an application on win ce.net for teklogix terminal for
english as well as arabic languages using sql ce data base. Please let me
know how to store arabic data in the sql ce data base.