Mike Hartsough
Every 10 seconds I get a "ker-plunk ker-plunk" sound that I've been able to
track down to a USB hub. I've tried power-cycling the USB hub, and restarted
Windows, and I still get the sound.
The Device Manager window does some sort of rescan/refresh at the same time
as the sounds, so I'm thinking it's some sort of DM issue.
This actually started on an old XP PC a few weeks ago, but this morning it
started happening on a much newer Vista PC. So I'm wondering if there wasn't
some recent Windows update that caused this.
Any ideas on how to get rid of the sound? I can't just leave the hub
track down to a USB hub. I've tried power-cycling the USB hub, and restarted
Windows, and I still get the sound.
The Device Manager window does some sort of rescan/refresh at the same time
as the sounds, so I'm thinking it's some sort of DM issue.
This actually started on an old XP PC a few weeks ago, but this morning it
started happening on a much newer Vista PC. So I'm wondering if there wasn't
some recent Windows update that caused this.
Any ideas on how to get rid of the sound? I can't just leave the hub