how to stop IE when it uses all processor?

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I am finding it increasingly common that IE locks up and uses the entire
processing power when it is searching for things inside websites such as

In 'the old days' there was a 'break' button. Then there was 'ctrl; alt;
del'. Now there appears to be only Task Manager or Process Explorer, both
of which need substantial processing power to run, so that one is lucky if
they open at all when one is in trouble. As often as not, nowadays, even if
one has the relevant process viewer open, nothing happens when one elects to
'end process' or 'end process tree'!

I've just had to pull the plug for the nth time!

Does anyone know of a way to simply abort whichever process is taking up the
most processing power at the touch of a button: or is pulling the plug now
the only method possible. If so: progress? I think not!

(I did a lot of security sleuthing recently, when I was having TCP/IP
errors, so I think the system is about as 'clean' as I am likely to be able
to get it.)

Is there a magic button out there somewhere?


spamlet said:
I am finding it increasingly common that IE locks up and uses the
entire processing power when it is searching for things inside
websites such as Amazon.

It sounds more like you probably have file corruption or have been the
victim of malware being placed on your computer. Or both are possible, too.
The first thing to do would be to start testing for malware. More on that
In 'the old days' there was a 'break' button. Then there was 'ctrl;
alt; del'. Now there appears to be only Task Manager or Process
Explorer, both of which need substantial processing power to run, so
that one is lucky if they open at all when one is in trouble. As
often as not, nowadays, even if one has the relevant process viewer
open, nothing happens when one elects to 'end process' or 'end
process tree'!

CTRL-ALT-DEL and using Task Manager user very few system resources. I
normally notice it using 1 or 2 % of the processor time when running but
obviously a little more to get started. If it's taking it a long time to
get started, it's because of the malware or file corruption; it should start
very quickl and CTRL-ALT-DEL should be quick, too. If not, something is
working at keeping them from gaining their priorities. Namely malware would
be my guess.
I've just had to pull the plug for the nth time!

That could be reponsible for some file corruption; it depends on what the
computer was doing when you pulled the plug.
Does anyone know of a way to simply abort whichever process is taking
up the most processing power at the touch of a button: or is pulling
the plug now the only method possible. If so: progress? I think not!

No, and it wouldn't help even if there was one; you'd soon find yourself in
more trouble than right now.
(I did a lot of security sleuthing recently, when I was having TCP/IP
errors, so I think the system is about as 'clean' as I am likely to
be able to get it.)

What you have to do is get the machine clean of malware first:

Have you updated your virus software recently?
Have you run recent Virus scans recently?
What spyware and malware programs have you run?
I mean programs like adaware, spybot S&D, Defender, and the like?
Did you remember to update t hem first?

For best results, all the above should have been run from Safe Mode.

Let us know what you've done in those areas and much more help can be

It would be very advisable to back up your important data files NOW! These
kind of problems can eventually make the computer unbootable, in which case
the data you have stored could all be lost. There's lots of help here too
for backing up should you need assistance. Since you have XP you already
have a decent backup application so it need not involve spending any money.

The more details you can provide, the better. e.g., OS, IE version, amount
of RAM, free drive space, when the problem started, what changed just before
it started, after it started, exact error messages, and so on and so on.


Run a /thorough/ check for hijackware, including posting your hijackthis log
to an appropriate forum.

Checking for/Help with Hijackware

When all else fails, HijackThis v1.99.1
( is the preferred tool to use.
It will help you to both identify and remove any hijackware/spyware with
assistance from an expert. **Post your log to,,,, or other appropriate forums for expert
analysis, not here.**

If the procedures look too complex - and there is no shame in admitting this
isn't your cup of tea - take the machine to a local, reputable and
independent (i.e., not BigBoxStoreUSA) computer repair shop.
Thanks Poprivet, but I have already gone through a great deal of this stuff
lately - see for example

And scanned with all manner of virus scanners and anti spyware gadgets while
following advice from the AumHa people and from the networking.wireless
group here and in alt.internet.wireless (See 'Continuous TCP/IP error
messages' threads.)

My month trial of AVGGuard has only just run out today for example - and I
won't be using it full time as it slows down start up of the pc very
considerably. These crashes and TCP/IP errors happened even with this -
presumed very good - malware protection running full time, so I would have
thought I was as free of malware now as I am ever likely to be, and that the
problem ought therefore to lie elsewhere.

As you will see from the AumHa thread, this started out as an enquiry into
slow opening of IE; went on to an investigation of a few odd error messages,
and then on to the strings of TCP/IP errors that were occuring. These
latter have now largely been avoided by not turning on the wireless adapter
until after McAfee; AVGGuard; and the services have all finished
initialising/updating etc.

The seize ups that result in me having to pull the plug, don't generally
show up in the error logs: there are only the TCP/IP ones, already
investigated, and the one that always is the first item to appear on start
up, which is 'unable to create symbolic link for device serial0', which has
baffled all commenters so far, and stayed with me no matter how many times
ports are removed and reloaded - hidden or not!

I followed as much of the cleaning advice as I could from these groups, and
it largely led to dead ends - only really stopping short of Jeff Lieberman's
suggestion that I needed to connect up a 'clean' pc between the modem and
the router and use this to 'sniff' the traffic with WireShark, because he
suspected that the pc had been 'taken over by a Trojan that is running a
botnet'. I had a look at WireShark, and I can't see that I would ever be
able to make head or tail of all the jargon to learn how to use it, even if
I did go out and buy the necessary new hub through which to connect it up!

A further suggestion, from a computer repairer friend, is that he only
manages to get rid of such errors by reloading IE - which he says means
reloading OE as well and is not at all a straight forward process. (AumHa
actually favoured getting rid of McAfee and upgrading to IE7; but again,
others have suggested that IE7 itself is a pain...)

I recently turned off all the 'exceptions' on the firewall settings
(windows), but this does not seem to have resulted in any noticeable changes
in performance.

All these tests take an enormous amount of time (some of the web scans can
take a number of hours), and often the pc will freeze in this time, with the
only option then being to pull the plug. Thus a 'kill top process' button on
the toolbar - or permanently on top of everything, would indeed be a godsend
and it could simply be hit as soon as one heard the hard drive gaining

As for back ups: I do regularly back up my e-mail, but would have to buy a
separate hard drive to back up all the rest: is there now an off the peg
package of drives and software which will back up ALL of my files including
the operating system without a lot of mucking about? And how would I stop
this transfering the 'presumed malware' along with the good data?

If you can throw any fresh light on all this, after checking out all the
details you asked for by reading through the AumHa, and other threads I
indicated, then I would be most grateful for your kind assistance,

Most sincerely (!)

Thanks PA, but see my reply to Poprivet.

Having gone through the works looking for malware and trying different
gadgets for detecting it, I never found anything, and the thread at AumHa
eventually dried up. This seizing up problem seems to be getting more
frequent though, and it would be so useful simply to have a 'stop the
process that is using the most' button, instead of having to wait for Task
Manager or Process Explorer to get a look in. I did actually see in one of
my searches, an add on for a shut down button on the toolbar, but it is not
quite the same thing as a stop process button - or even just having that
'Break' button on the keyboard do something useful for a change...

Always very good to hear your advice: even if I can't always do justice to
it ;-)


Well, to begin with, I have two comments first and then more of what you're
probably interested in.

Please, don't feel defensive; I mean these by way of being informative as
opposed to calling you down:

1. Details such as provided here would have been valuable in saving
people's time in responding about things you've already done. That can get
pretty irritating and some will stop reading the thread when it happens.
2. I didn't read the aumha link because, excellent as aumha is, I think I
got enough from your post here to get a grip on a few things. I can see
it's been a long haul, FWIW <g>.

More Inline:
Thanks Poprivet, but I have already gone through a great deal of this
stuff lately - see for example

And scanned with all manner of virus scanners and anti spyware
gadgets while following advice from the AumHa people and from the
networking.wireless group here and in alt.internet.wireless (See
'Continuous TCP/IP error messages' threads.)

See, things like above, you really need to indicate what specific programs
you ran. Some are good, some are unknown, and others are known to be
downright dirty or destructive. So, saying you used "all manner" could
either be good, or a red flag, depending on what you used and what it did.
My month trial of AVGGuard has only just run out today for example -
and I won't be using it full time as it slows down start up of the pc
very considerably. These crashes and TCP/IP errors happened even
with this - presumed very good - malware protection running full
time, so I would have thought I was as free of malware now as I am
ever likely to be, and that the problem ought therefore to lie

AVG is decent but ... it only checks for viruses; not for most other
malware. If you wish to continue troubleshooting and receiving assistance,
you're going to have to name the applications you used in addition to AVG.
e.g., things like adaware, spybot, defender, etc etc etc.
The seize ups that result in me having to pull the plug, don't
generally show up in the error logs: there are only the TCP/IP ones,
already investigated, and the one that always is the first item to
appear on start up, which is 'unable to create symbolic link for
device serial0', which has baffled all commenters so far, and stayed ....
I followed as much of the cleaning advice as I could from these
groups, and it largely led to dead ends - only really stopping short
of Jeff Lieberman's suggestion that I needed to connect up a 'clean'
pc between the modem and the router and use this to 'sniff' the
traffic with WireShark, because he suspected that the pc had been
'taken over by a Trojan that is running a botnet'. I had a look at

That wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility to be zombied. And I
understand what you mean about WireShark et al; it's not good to have to
learn them under fire and they are a little cryptic. There's no shame in
admitting that; it's just a fact.

There are ways to detect zombied PCs, but I'll pass on those for now because
I think even if that is going on, you now have other, compounded problems.
A further suggestion, from a computer repairer friend, is that he only
manages to get rid of such errors by reloading IE - which he says
means reloading OE as well and is not at all a straight forward
process. (AumHa actually favoured getting rid of McAfee and upgrading
to IE7; but again, others have suggested that IE7 itself is a pain...)

Remember, when you read things on these groups, it's the people with
problems that write in: You will seldom see a "works great" post because
that's not the purpose of the newsgroups. I and every acquaintance I have
plus relatives, are running IE7 with nary a problem. The only recurring
"problem" was some people couldn't figure out how to turn on the text menu
in IE7.
But, IMO, that's not going to help. I really think your problem is more
system oriented in areas beyond just IE.
I recently turned off all the 'exceptions' on the firewall settings
(windows), but this does not seem to have resulted in any noticeable
changes in performance.

All these tests take an enormous amount of time (some of the web
scans can take a number of hours), and often the pc will freeze in
this time, with the only option then being to pull the plug. Thus a
'kill top process' button on the toolbar - or permanently on top of
everything, would indeed be a godsend and it could simply be hit as
soon as one heard the hard drive gaining speed.

AFAIK there is no such thing. Tack Manager is basically what you're asking
for. I suspect ANYTHING would encounter the same problems.
As for back ups: I do regularly back up my e-mail, but would have to
buy a separate hard drive to back up all the rest: is there now an
off the peg package of drives and software which will back up ALL of
my files including the operating system without a lot of mucking
about? And how would I stop this transfering the 'presumed malware'
along with the good data?

OK. Yes, there is. Ntbackup (or backup in Home), which you already have,
or can download free, will do what you want. Then there are applications
such as Norton's Ghost or Acronis' True Image that will do it, too, but they
cost in the $50 range each as I recall. Those are imaging programs that
would benefit you a lot after you've got things running again, and recovery
of something like this would then be a snap. So they would be great to have
but not much use for your current problem other than cacking up DATA that
YOU created. Once everythign works right, THEN create an image of the boot
drive, and you can get back to it with just a few key clicks, most of the

BUT ... I am NOT suggesting you back up the SYSTEM files! The important
files to backup are the files YOU have created. Photos, letters,
spreadsheets, games, editors, etc. etc. etc.. Forget about backing up the
operating system; you know it's borked. In fact, a virus/worm/trojan
whatever could also be lurking in the files you've created, or especially in
an e-mail, so it's kind of an iffy situation, but it depends on what you
think you need to backup. Backup your OE stuff as you already do, and
anything else you created that's important to you.
Programs can always be reinstalled in the long run, so don't worry about
programs. Basically, if you back up My Documents, assuming you've used it
properly for storage, is probably all you need to back up, besides your
Favorites folder and OE stuff if you've relocated them.

You still haven't indicated what the size of your hard drive is, but
external USB drives up to around 160 Gig are available at pretty decent
prices today. An external drive is the best location for backing up to
DVDs would be a second choice, OR in addition to the external device, with
CDs in last place. Floppies; well, forget it. And yes, you can tell backup
programs to make files that will fit on floppy, CD or DVDs for copying to
If you can throw any fresh light on all this, after checking out all
the details you asked for by reading through the AumHa, and other
threads I indicated, then I would be most grateful for your kind

I'm going to suggest, in view of the time already invested and the time
still to be invested, possibly without fruition, that the best thing for you
to do is backup and reinstall windows.

I indicated a Repair Install in my last post. But you should still back up
your DATA first.
If that fails, then a full reinstall starting by booting from the XP CD and
deleting/recreating the partition/s and following onscreen instructions WILL
result in a completely new, virgin installation. Auto-Update can re-apply
the windows updates and you can install all your programs again. NEVER
connect to the 'net without having your Firewall, AV software and spyware
installed FIRST. So, make sure you have those available before you start
the reinstall.
It'll take about an hour and a half to install XP, give it another hour
to install your programs from their CDs, and from there it's just cleanup.
READ the screens closely in getting started: Be certain you have the
right drive identified if you have more than one. Be certain to
delete/recreate the partitions in the beginning.

If you bought the external hard drive and Ghost or TI then you can even make
images of the reconstruction of the drive as you go along. That way, at the
touch of a button, you can put any image back without going thru the hours
of work a manual reinstall takes.

I'm afraid what you're asking for in a do-all button just isn't feasible,
IMO. It wouldn't be able to run any better or in any less space than Task
Manager due to the already existing problems.
If you need repair or reinstall instructions and can't find them by say
Google, ask; there are links to htem all over the place.


Poprivet said:
Well, to begin with, I have two comments first and then more of what
you're probably interested in.

Please, don't feel defensive; I mean these by way of being
informative as opposed to calling you down:

1. Details such as provided here would have been valuable in saving
people's time in responding about things you've already done. That
can get pretty irritating and some will stop reading the thread when
it happens. 2. I didn't read the aumha link because, excellent as aumha
is, I
think I got enough from your post here to get a grip on a few things.
I can see it's been a long haul, FWIW <g>.

More Inline:

See, things like above, you really need to indicate what specific
programs you ran. Some are good, some are unknown, and others are
known to be downright dirty or destructive. So, saying you used "all
manner" could either be good, or a red flag, depending on what you
used and what it did.

AVG is decent but ... it only checks for viruses; not for most other
malware. If you wish to continue troubleshooting and receiving
assistance, you're going to have to name the applications you used in
addition to AVG. e.g., things like adaware, spybot, defender, etc etc


That wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility to be zombied. And I
understand what you mean about WireShark et al; it's not good to have
to learn them under fire and they are a little cryptic. There's no
shame in admitting that; it's just a fact.

There are ways to detect zombied PCs, but I'll pass on those for now
because I think even if that is going on, you now have other,
compounded problems.

Remember, when you read things on these groups, it's the people with
problems that write in: You will seldom see a "works great" post
because that's not the purpose of the newsgroups. I and every
acquaintance I have plus relatives, are running IE7 with nary a
problem. The only recurring "problem" was some people couldn't
figure out how to turn on the text menu in IE7.
But, IMO, that's not going to help. I really think your problem is
more system oriented in areas beyond just IE.

AFAIK there is no such thing. Tack Manager is basically what you're
asking for. I suspect ANYTHING would encounter the same problems.

OK. Yes, there is. Ntbackup (or backup in Home), which you already
have, or can download free, will do what you want. Then there are
applications such as Norton's Ghost or Acronis' True Image that will
do it, too, but they cost in the $50 range each as I recall. Those
are imaging programs that would benefit you a lot after you've got
things running again, and recovery of something like this would then
be a snap. So they would be great to have but not much use for your
current problem other than cacking up DATA that YOU created. Once
everythign works right, THEN create an image of the boot drive, and
you can get back to it with just a few key clicks, most of the time.

BUT ... I am NOT suggesting you back up the SYSTEM files! The
important files to backup are the files YOU have created. Photos,
letters, spreadsheets, games, editors, etc. etc. etc.. Forget about
backing up the operating system; you know it's borked. In fact, a
virus/worm/trojan whatever could also be lurking in the files you've
created, or especially in an e-mail, so it's kind of an iffy
situation, but it depends on what you think you need to backup. Backup
your OE stuff as you already do, and anything else you created
that's important to you. Programs can always be reinstalled in the
long run, so don't worry about programs. Basically, if you back up
My Documents, assuming you've used it properly for storage, is
probably all you need to back up, besides your Favorites folder and
OE stuff if you've relocated them.
You still haven't indicated what the size of your hard drive is, but
external USB drives up to around 160 Gig are available at pretty
decent prices today. An external drive is the best location for
backing up to efficiently.
DVDs would be a second choice, OR in addition to the external
device, with CDs in last place. Floppies; well, forget it. And yes,
you can tell backup programs to make files that will fit on floppy,
CD or DVDs for copying to them.

I'm going to suggest, in view of the time already invested and the
time still to be invested, possibly without fruition, that the best
thing for you to do is backup and reinstall windows.

I indicated a Repair Install in my last post. But you should still
back up your DATA first.
If that fails, then a full reinstall starting by booting from the XP
CD and deleting/recreating the partition/s and following onscreen
instructions WILL result in a completely new, virgin installation.
Auto-Update can re-apply the windows updates and you can install all
your programs again. NEVER connect to the 'net without having your
Firewall, AV software and spyware installed FIRST. So, make sure you
have those available before you start the reinstall.
It'll take about an hour and a half to install XP, give it another
hour to install your programs from their CDs, and from there it's
just cleanup. READ the screens closely in getting started: Be
certain you have the right drive identified if you have more than one. Be
certain to
delete/recreate the partitions in the beginning.

If you bought the external hard drive and Ghost or TI then you can
even make images of the reconstruction of the drive as you go along. That
way, at the touch of a button, you can put any image back
without going thru the hours of work a manual reinstall takes.

I'm afraid what you're asking for in a do-all button just isn't
feasible, IMO. It wouldn't be able to run any better or in any less
space than Task Manager due to the already existing problems.
If you need repair or reinstall instructions and can't find them by
say Google, ask; there are links to htem all over the place.



PS Here's something you can try that's not quite so disruptive:

From a Command Prompt, run sfc /scannow.
sfc /? will give you all the available options.

/SCANNOW Scans all protected system files immediately.
/SCANONCE Scans all protected system files once at the next boot.
/SCANBOOT Scans all protected system files at every boot.
/REVERT Return scan to default setting.
/PURGECACHE Purges the file cache.

You may have to update again afterwards.
Many thanks to the pair of you for taking the time to make these very
helpful suggestions.

Poprivet: the AVG I have just stopped having running full time was Anti
Spywear 7.5, which I had been given to understand by AumHa advice was very
good, not the anti-virus, and I have also run their anti rootkit free, which
also found nothing.

I scanned with these again after writing my last message, and went on with a
Panda Active Scan. Only a few cookies were found, and no rootkits with the
first two products. The Panda came up with no viruses or rootkits, but
still says my system is infected viz:
Status Location

Not disinfected C:\Documents and
Not disinfected Windows Registry
Not disinfected Windows Registry
Not disinfected C:\Documents and Settings\Julie
Not disinfected C:\Documents and
Not disinfected C:\Documents and
Spyware:Cookie/Atlas DMT
Not disinfected C:\Documents and
Not disinfected C:\Documents and
I had run CCleaner before making these scans, but could I suppose delete
these cookies manually if they are really a problem.
I don't know how to determine where the 'cws' in my favourites actually is,
nor how to find and deal with the two items said to be in the Registry, but
these have been detected by earlier PandaScans, and I was advised at AumHa
that they were'nt really a threat - I do not understand this.

As for backing up and/or reloading the whole system: this would be a real
problem for me, as the pc came with much of the important software preloaded
and without the necessary discs - part of a job lot via a college department
with which the owner is no longer associated. The owner is also using the
pc most of the time (I suppose that means she needs two, but I suspect that
would be twice the trouble!). So I do think we would need to be able to back
up everything: programmes and system as well as files.

I will go through all your suggestions carefully though, and see what I am
able to do - with a priority to get the back up space ordered though cash is
rather tight (as always!).

Meanwhile, while reading the news, I had one of the CPU 100% episodes while
OE was looking for headers. On this occasion process explorer was already
open and terminating the DNS client service, instantly stopped the
'overload'. All it would take would be for the level indicator on the
toolbar - which already tells in a pop up what is the main CPU user at that
time - to be equipped with a kill process option, and one 'plug pulling
reason' has been removed. (The wireless quickly reconnected next time I
highlighted a newsgroup, so there would not seem to be a problem with
occasional terminations like this.)

PA, are those freeware AV options? They are not familiar to me.
I do suspect that things might run more smoothly without McAfee, from what
people have been saying, and if Poprivet is correct then it is probably time
to move up to IE7 too.


Hi again Poprivet,

Fraid your sfc suggestion doesn't get very far for me, as it calls for the
XP pro disc and it turns out we were only given an XP Home reinstallation
disc with the pc (grrrr)!

Other suggestions still to pursue though...

