how to stop disable pc speaker?

Jan 2, 2008
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i have AS ROCK k7s41 , everytime windows alerts a prompt pc beeps. it never used to do this, any way of disabling it?
The steps are ...

1. Right-click on My Computer
2. On the Hardware tab, click on Device Manager
3. On the "View" menu, select "Show hidden devices"
4. Under "Non-Plug and Play Drivers", right-click "Beep"
5. Click "Disable"
6. Answer Yes when asked if you really want to disable it
7. Answer No when asked if you want to reboot
8. Right-click "Beep" again.
9. Click "Properties"
10. On the "Driver" tab, set the Startup type to Disabled
11. Click Stop
12. Click OK
13. Answer No when asked if you want to reboot

Do you use any system sounds at all?
