How to stop a numbered list?

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I have a document created by someone else, and I want to insert a plain text
paragraph after a numbered list. I can get rid of the number by entering
two <cr>s, but I can't get the left margin to go to the "vanilla" point.
The "left" icon doesn't work. How can I switch from a list to plain text?
HELP delivered articles about using styles (don't want to get into that -
it's not my original document) and turning off automatic numbering or
bulleting altogether. I don't wnat to do that either. I have tried
clicking on Numbering/None, but that doesn't seem to do it. Probably where
I have my cursor????

If you used the Numbering button to apply numbering, you should be able to
use the same button to turn it off. I personally would be uncomfortable
doing it any way other than with numbered and unnumbered styles (I usually
use the built-in List Number and List Continue styles, modified as required,
along with Body Text).

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
The quickest way to get rid of numbering as well as any indents is to (re-)apply
the Normal style by pressing Ctrl+Shift+N.
My thought, too, though I actually have that shortcut assigned to something
else. Also, if the numbering is directly applied to a Normal paragraph, this
might trigger a message box about redefining the style.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
I have "Prompt to update style" selected in Word Options, and I can reapply the
Normal style without being asked to modify the style. Or am I missing something?
It may be that using the shortcut is equivalent to Ctrl+Q for Normal style?

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
This document was not authored by me. I don't know how they started it.
And I don't want to fancy it up too much.
Thanks for the info. I haven't tried either ctrl sequence yet, but I'm
assuming they work.

BUT.... there must be a way for people who are novices and find themselves
in a numbered list to "turn it off" to go back to normal mode without
knowledge of special ctrl sequences or styles. True?
I guess most users would "stop" numbering by pressing the Number button, and
then (if necessary) place the insertion point at the beginning of the paragraph,
backspacing until the insertion point reaches the left margin. While that works,
it certainly isn't the easiest approach. :-)
In the AutoCorrect dialog box, make sure that "Set left and first indent with
tabs and backspaces" is selected on the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

To display the dialog box, click Tools | AutoCorrect Options (Word 2003) or
click Office button | Word Options; in the Proofing category, click the
AutoCorrect Options button (Word 2007).