In the batchfile test I'd like to stip out the quote characters. Is this
possible somehow? Thanks in advance.
The $DEQUOT Function of the FREE Advanced NT/2K/XP Command Library will do
this CONSISTENTLY under all NT-based operating systems.
For a literal string:
ntlib $DEQUOT "Your Text String Here"
{results returned in variable %_DEQUOT%}
or to DEQUOT the -CONTENTS- of a variable
ntlib $DEQUOT VariableName
(results returned in %VariableName%}
See ( for a
color-keyed example.
ntlib.cmd provides dozens of resources to standardize shell scripting syntax
across Windows NT/2K/XP/K3 while using only what is available in a standard
install of each platform. You can obtain it (for FREE) at
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