How to start Y-axis scale at odd value and have tick labels at even values?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul S. Natanson
  • Start date Start date

Paul S. Natanson

On either an XY chart or on a scatter chart, I want to have a secondary Y
axis (showing temperature) that goes from 32 to 212. But I want the labels
to be at multiples of 10 (e.g., 40, 50, 60, - - - , 190, 200, 210).

The reason that I want to do this is because the secondary axis is degrees
FAHRENHEIT and I need for it to match the primary axis which goes from 0 to
100 degrees CENTIGRADE.

How can I create a secondary Y axis with a scale that starts at 32 and has
tick labels at even multiples of 10?

Paul S. Natanson +1-908-630-0406 paul628 at concentric dot net
December 26, 2006.
Jon: Your web site shows that you have come up with a clever work-around
that just might solve my problem. Many thanks. Paul 12-26-06
