What would the command line be to start a specific Access DB from a bat-fil?
DianePDavies said:What would the command line be to start a specific Access DB from a
start "FullPath\Database.mdb"What would the command line be to start a specific Access DB from a bat-fil?
You always need to specifiy the full path to Access except in one case:Now it works with:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11 \MSACCESS.EXE" "C:\DEMO\A.mde"
However - I would like to place the bat-file in the same folder as A.mde and
then not adress A.mde with a full path - similarly I would like to start
MSACCESS.EXE without a full path.
I wonder if you're heading into the right direction with a batch.Now I have the problem that my batch-file stays open while the database is
open. When I shut down the database the command prompt shuts down too - or if
I click the "x" in the top right corner - but I would like it to close right
after the command to start the database.