-----Original Message-----
An explanation of why each of those Services can be disabled would help.
Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
| You can disable the following safely.
| Alerter
| Clipbook
| Computer Browser
| Fast User Switching
| Human Interface Access Devices
| Indexing Service (Slows the hard drive down)
| Messenger
| Net Logon (unnecessary unless networked on a Domain)
| Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security)
| Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (disabled for extra security)
| Remote Procedure Call Locator
| Remote Registry (disabled for extra security)
| Routing & Remote Access (disabled for extra security)
| Server
| SSDP Discovery Service (this is for the utterly pointless "Universal P'n'P",
| & leaves TCP Port 5000 wide open)
| TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
| Telnet (disabled for extra security)
| Universal Plug and Play Device Host
| Upload Manager
| Windows Time
| Wireless Zero Configuration (for wireless networks)
| Workstation
| --
| Chris L
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Ya,don't do this if you do the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper you