How to Sort Customer List with Specific States

  • Thread starter Thread starter SeaTiger
  • Start date Start date


I need to sort my customer list with the states in my territory which
consist of CA, NV, AZ, HI, WA, AK, OR, CO, NM, ID, WY, NM, MT.

use a help column, i.e. if the states are in B2:B51 insert a temporary help
column next to B, then in the adjacent cell in what is now C2 put


copy down as long as needed, then select the whole range you need to have
sorted, sort by column C descending and secondly by column B ascending,
remove the help column


Peo Sjoblom

Portland, Oregon
Another option is to create a custom list, and use it as your sort order.

To create a custom list --
In a cell on a blank worksheet, type the list of states in your territory
Select the list of states
Choose Tools>Options
Select the Custom Lists tab
Click the Import button, click OK

To sort the states in your customer list--
Select a cell in the states column, and choose Data>Sort
From the first dropdown, choose State
Click the Options button
From the 'First key sort order' dropdown, choose your list
Click OK, click OK
If you don't already have the states in a separate column, you'll need to
create a new column just for the states. Then you can sort by that column.
In other words, if your customer list says:

Joe Blow 123 Main St. Denver, CO 80203

You'll need to add another column, like this:

Joe Blow 123 Main St. Denver, CO 80203 CO
Thanks for all the suggestions. Actually, I think I came up with something
easier for me to work with. I used the advance filter function. I added
listed the states that I wanted to filter in specific rows above my ST

Best regards,