how to solve

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hi, I am quite new to access. trying my best to learn. I have small problem

mytable is something like this
sr nos
1 14
1 18
1 25
2 16
2 23
2 45
3 17
3 20
3 42
4 8
4 18
4 45
5 12
5 23
5 27

playtable random nos ( 3 per id)
id nos
1 16
1 23
1 25

now I want to see how many nos from playtable matching nos from mytable, my
query is something like this and works fine

SELECT [mytable].nos
FROM [mytable]
WHERE exists (select [playtable].nos
from [playtable]
where [mytable].nos=[playtable].nos);

But I want to know playtable nos matching for a range of sr from mytable
like sr=1 to 3 or sr=1 to 2 or sr=3 to 5. how to do that?. can you help me
out please!

thanks in advance