How to simplifying boolean algebra expression?



Hi all

I need do the following based on Boolean Algebra
ex 1. (M271/M272/M651)+(450/965)/M642/M646

All possible result
M271 + 450
M271 + 965
M272 + 450
M272 + 965
M651 + 450
M651 + 965

ex 2 M271/M646+M006/M651+M013
M271 + M006 + M013
M646 + M006 + M013
M271 + M651 + M013
M646 + M651 + M013

Do somebody no where I can find a code library or code to help
me to break up any Boolean Algebra expression into all possible result

Thanks in advance

PS. I also have more complex expression


IMvHO if operation as as simple as thos you listed you don't need any
Just put the


in different list a make nested cicles doing the operations.

If the dimensions of the problem (number of lists) is passed as a
you can use recursion to make the nested cicles.

If espression are more complicated, you can pass then preliminarly to
the VB compiler
(compile in memory) for appropriate reduction...



Hi Tom

Thanks for the reply.

Quick Boolean background

The basic rules is as follows
/ (=OR),
+ (=AND),
- (=NOT)
The BRACKET is evaluated first, as is also the case in mathematics.
The AND is always evaluated before the OR.
The NOT is shown by the '-' sign which always refers directly to the
code or bracketed expression that it precedes.

If the I were looking to resolve a specific result the nest loops would
work, but I am trying to break the
expression in to all possible simplified expression

I hope the above makes a bit more sense

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