Excel is reading your original X axis values as a time format. If you
double-click on your X axis label, you'll see in the Format Axis dialog box
-> Scale tab that the minimum time X axis value is one day. Given that
you're tracking hours, the one-day minimum value will not work for you.
To get around this limitation, add a helper column to your chart source.
Assuming your original data looks like this and is in the range A1:C6:
Time Entry Series1 Series2
05-Jan-05 01:00:00 5 5
05-Jan-05 02:00:00 4 3
05-Jan-05 03:00:00 6 4
05-Jan-05 04:00:00 7 6
05-Jan-05 05:00:00 8 5
add a helper column to column B. In the example below I've titled the
helper column "Text Entry". Enter the following formula to cell B2 and copy
it down column B:
=TEXT(A2,"yy-mmm-dd hh:mm:ss")
The revised data set look like this in the range A1
Time Entry Text Entry Series1 Series2
05-Jan-05 01:00:00 05-Jan-05 01:00:00 5 5
05-Jan-05 02:00:00 05-Jan-05 02:00:00 4 3
05-Jan-05 03:00:00 05-Jan-05 03:00:00 6 4
05-Jan-05 04:00:00 05-Jan-05 04:00:00 7 6
05-Jan-05 05:00:00 05-Jan-05 05:00:00 8 5
Column B will now be interpretted as a text entry that looks just like a
time entry.
Finally, create your chart using column B instead of column A as the X axis.
If you use the Chart Wizard, select the range B1:B6 to create the chart.