i just glanced through this rather long thread and don't see where you
said what version of Vista you have, although I may have missed it. If you
have Home or Basic, you may not be able to create groups, etc. to have
fine-grained permissions. This is how XP Home vs. XP Pro works. I don't
have a Vista Home or Basic version to look at, only Ultimate. However, in
your very first post you stated that you set sharing to Everyone; of
course this means that anything in that folder is shared with Everyone. So
I don't really understand your concern here. This last post you made would
seem to be at odds with what you originally told us you want to do.
So I'm a little confused. If you want to share the folder, set its
permissions as suggested OR create user accounts and passwords and only
allow certain users to access the share. You may be making this more
complicated than it needs to be.
Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User