Windows XP How to Setup Auto Accept of Meeting Requests in Exchange 2003 Public Folders

May 9, 2008
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Good Morning-
We use our Public Folders on a limited role but we are looking at establishing calendars within the Public Folders for such things as Conference Room booking and Conference Numbers bookings. We would like it to be as automated as possible so that we (Our IT Staff) do not have to moderate it all the time. Here is basically what we would like:

1. Setup the Public Folder Calendar to automatically accept the Meeting Request with the date/time when people plase it as a resource in the Meeting Request.

2. If there is a conflict in the time have the Calendar decline due to that. Obviously the Busy/Free scheduling would be great to view, but its not viewable for public folders due to the way its configured.

Thank you for your assistance.

Park City Mountain Resort
Good afternoon, well it is here in the UK & it's nearly going home time.

Cant help you sorry, but i'm sure someone will come along later who might be able to.

Nice website.:thumb: