On Nov 6, 9:23 am, "(e-mail address removed)" <
[email protected]>
Wrong newsgroup. You need the one for "classic" VB, and not Visual
Basic .Net.
The newsgroup you need is comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
Seth Rowe
[Received via email]
You are right but I found so many discussions in this group concerning
VB6 and besides that I would be happy to learn same technique in
VB.net too.
If you can help you are welcome.
[End of Received via email]
You are right but I found so many discussions in this group
concerning VB6
If you saw any mention of VB6 in this newsgroup, it was surely
followed by a reply similar to mine, or it was asking something to the
effect of "I am updating an outdated VB6 project and ...." I will not,
and neither should others, answer a "classic" VB question in this
newsgroup. Doing so will just clutter up the archives and make
finding .Net answers much more difficult.
besides that I would be happy to learn same technique in
VB.net too.
Now I will help you in regard to this question. Read the following:
After reading the link in it's entirety, if you still need help
setting the printer margins in .Net, please let us know and we'll try
to help further.
Seth Rowe