Milosz - [playseven.com]
If i am right, this should be the structure for ip_option_information in the
IcmpSendEcho function
Public Structure ip_option_information
Dim TTL As Byte
Dim Tos As Byte
Dim flags As Byte
Dim OptionsSize As Byte
Dim OptionsData As Long
End Structure
<DllImport("iphlpapi")> Private Shared Function IcmpSendEcho(ByVal
IcmpHandle As IntPtr, ByVal DestinationAddress As Integer, ByVal
RequestData() As Byte, ByVal RequestSize As Integer, ByVal RequestOptions As
ip_option_information, ByVal ReplyBuffer() As Byte, ByVal ReplySize As
Int32, ByVal Timeout As Int32) As System.UInt32
but how to put it in the function ?
..Net does not support pointers.
i am a little confused. should i havet to write a wrapper in C++ to do this
-> Milosz Weckowski
mailto:[email protected]
ICQ Number: 84867613
Get the enhanced Progressbar and a fine Colorpicker for the Compact Framwork
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IcmpSendEcho function
Public Structure ip_option_information
Dim TTL As Byte
Dim Tos As Byte
Dim flags As Byte
Dim OptionsSize As Byte
Dim OptionsData As Long
End Structure
<DllImport("iphlpapi")> Private Shared Function IcmpSendEcho(ByVal
IcmpHandle As IntPtr, ByVal DestinationAddress As Integer, ByVal
RequestData() As Byte, ByVal RequestSize As Integer, ByVal RequestOptions As
ip_option_information, ByVal ReplyBuffer() As Byte, ByVal ReplySize As
Int32, ByVal Timeout As Int32) As System.UInt32
but how to put it in the function ?
..Net does not support pointers.
i am a little confused. should i havet to write a wrapper in C++ to do this
-> Milosz Weckowski
mailto:[email protected]
ICQ Number: 84867613
Get the enhanced Progressbar and a fine Colorpicker for the Compact Framwork
for free: