I am using the CreateUserWizard control in my asp.net2.0 app.
For my needs the enforced password strenght is to strong; I want to
allow users to be able to create
passwords with only text and not force them to use a non-alfanumeric
character as well as a digit.
Setting the EmailRegularExpression property to a less restrictive
regular expression doesn't work because the password is evaluated FIRST
by the membership provider before it's evaluated by the control. Now I
want o change the regular expression used by the membership provider
but I can't see how. All MembershipProvider password related properties
are ReadOnly.
How can I set change the default membershipprovider password regular
expression in order to allow weaker passwords?
Ronald van Aalten
For my needs the enforced password strenght is to strong; I want to
allow users to be able to create
passwords with only text and not force them to use a non-alfanumeric
character as well as a digit.
Setting the EmailRegularExpression property to a less restrictive
regular expression doesn't work because the password is evaluated FIRST
by the membership provider before it's evaluated by the control. Now I
want o change the regular expression used by the membership provider
but I can't see how. All MembershipProvider password related properties
are ReadOnly.
How can I set change the default membershipprovider password regular
expression in order to allow weaker passwords?
Ronald van Aalten