how to set color properties of a vertical scroll bar in a text box

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I want to display text in a page, but not alter the vertical size of the page
as the text grows, so I am using a scrolling text box with a fixed height. I
can get everything working fine, but the blue/white "chrome" scroll bar looks
awful on the otherwise subdued page. How can I set the properties of the
scroll bar to have it use a different set of colors?

Using CSS. Place the following in the head section of the page. Change colors as needed:

<style type="text/CSS">
body {
scrollbar-face-color: "blue";
scrollbar-shadow-color: "red";
scrollbar-highlight-color: "red";
scrollbar-3dlight-color: "blue";
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: "red";
scrollbar-track-color: "red";
scrollbar-arrow-color: "black";

Note however, it only works in IE, and therefore is not valid CSS.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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To Kathleen & Steve,

Thank you both for such quick respones. After I posted the question, I found
a few tags for the scroll bar (Scrollbar-face-color, -arrow-color, and
-darkshadow-color) and stuck them inline with the other scroll bar tags and
it worked (at least in IE). I don't have another browser to test it in, but I
suspect the additional tags will be ignored by other browsers if they don't
recognize them. The page is
Thank you both again for the info.