How to send email with text box control in the body?

  • Thread starter Thread starter rashar via
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rashar via


I need to send an email via Access 2002-2003 VBA code, that will have for the
end user once they receive the email, a check box in the body of the email.

I've tried using DoCmd.SendObject , , acFormatHTML,.... but that does not
seem to work. When the recipient receives the email, they see
<html><body><input type=checkbox name=C1 value=ON></body></html> in the email.

Here is my code in more detail:

strBody = "Sending Email with textbox Control"
strBody = strBody & "Show Check Box Here: " & "<html><body><input
type=checkbox name=C1 value=ON></body></html>" & conLF & conLF
strBody = strBody & "End User: Please click checkbox test: " & conLF
Call ClipBoard_SetData(strBody)
DoCmd.SendObject , , acFormatHTML, "Rashar", , , CustomerName& " " &
CustomerNumber & ": " & "Testing Testing", strBody