Well the program i wrote was installed from a cd-rom ( DVD in a later
stage ) and had to function "out of the box"
and i bet not a lot of people ( end consumers ) know there e-mail settings
so i guess the same aplies as of today
Also you forget about the Lotus Domino situation or if there is a Outlook
server installed on a company network
( for a fact i never got Lotus to work )
So in these sitautions my solution was / is just fool proof and verry
simple to implement
smtp is a very simple protocol.
For VB6 i used the VBSendmail.dll and in .Net you can just use the builtin
framework classes however they are perfect in a "simple" situation
even on a MS Exchange network it will not work if SMTP is closed on the mail
server ( this is default on Exchange ) , for a fact in the company i
currently work for we have a Linux mail server especially for our .Net apps
as the admins want to keep the "recomended" settings on the Exchange server