Well I do sell IT solutions...and three multinationals said they will
NOT buy this Vista crap. They are sticking with XP. Don't know if they
are giving that feedback to MS.
I know of at least one that actually put it on the login screen of a
critical business application. "We do not support the use of Vista with
this system. Please use a company imaged XP system for access."
You have to look at it from a business perspective. You can't upgrade
every system every time a patch, OS change or someone gets a new-fangled
system. Just would cost far too much. Business wants a long stable life
cycle on a OS. And the only motivator to use something new is if it
offers tangible value. Vista does not do this. In fact, Vista's
increased hardware requirements needs a whole scale replacement.
If you have 10,000 users/PCs say $3K w. software, going to be a hard sell
to float $30M upgrade in a slowing economy. That $30M could be used for
profit/bottom line or keeping a few more heads.
Thanks, I did not realize MS did not care about the home user. Might be
time to move to Linux. They listen and from what I have heard from one
large company I work with, they are testing a linux desktop and are very
impressed. So maybe it's time to move on. If Vista is all MS can come up
with, a hog and a user burden, then that might not be a viable direction
any longer.
They care about $$$ and made a big mistake with Vista.
Linux costs nothing to try. If you don't like it, Linux left you with
your money and you change your mind and buy XP or wait until Win7, or
even reload Vista. Or better yet, load both.