How to "Send again" in VB...

  • Thread starter Heinz-Josef Bomanns
  • Start date

Heinz-Josef Bomanns


just started some first steps in doing an Outlook COM AddIn with VB6,
works fine so far thanks to the help of countless postings of
countless cracks & MVPs in the various newsgroups and lots of sampels
found on the internet ,-)

What i'm trying to figure out is: If you open a mail in the UI there's
an action "Send again" (i guess, in german it's "Erneut senden") - i
haven't found a counterpart to this action in "olMailItem.Actions" -
so i guess it's hardcoded in the inspector's UI/menus. Is there a way
to execute this function in VB, perhaps via CDO or Extended MAPI or
so? Thanks for every hint on this...

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