It seems as if you haven't gone through the Fax Configuration Wizard.
Open the Fax Console and click on "Configure Fax." Go through the "Fax
Configuration Wizard" and fill in the blanks as appropriate. On the
screen headed "Select Device for Sending or Receiving Faxes" make sure
to check the boxes next to "Enable Send" and "Enable Receive." Set
either to manual answer or auto answer as desired.
The last screen says "You have successfully completed the Fax
Configuration Wizard" and shows a summary of settings. They should look
something like this:
Configuration Summary:
Devices configured to send faxes:
Zoom V.92 PCI Voice Faxmodem
The TSID of these devices is XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Devices configured to receive faxes:
Zoom V.92 PCI Voice Faxmodem
Devices are configured to automatically answer incoming fax
calls after 2 rings.
The CSID of these devices is XXX-XXX-XXXX.
If yours looks like that, the problem may be that your modem is (a) not
working properly or (b) not compatible with Windows XP Fax. If your
modem shows as "Modem Intel(R)537epv9xdf" that unfortunately is not the
name of the modem manufacturer but the identification of the chipset
used in the modem, so I can't see if it's on the "Hardware Compatibility
List." If you know the actual make and model of your modem, go to and check to see if it
is OK for use with XP.
Open Device Manager (e.g., right click on My Computer, select
Properties, on Hardware tab, click "Device Manager"). Go to the Modems
entry, click on the +, the right click on the modem identification and
select properties. Does "Device status" indicate "This device is working
properly"? Under "Device usage" does it say "Use this device (enable)"?
Go to the "Diagnostics" tab. Click the "Query modem" button. What
does it say for the response to "AT+FCLASS=?"
Click the "View log" button, and see if there appear to be any error
messages there. See the second post above from Gary Walker.