If someone could please help me with the following id be grateful...
This is great thanks... The only problem is, when I go into my sent items
after the item has been sent and open up that item I can see that it has been
bcc`d to "(e-mail address removed)"... is there any way so that it does not
show this ??? hide that field or something maybe ???
I was thinking to get round this, when an item is sent to create an
additional new mail and sent the original sent item as an attachment maybe
??? the only prob I am having is the attachment isnt working properly ??? is
attached as a blank ??? not the original sent item ???
I maybe totally wrong on how I am doing this... if you could help me id be
very grateful...
code i tried to do myself ??? doh !!!
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Set objreply = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
objreply.Subject = "Sent Items"
objreply.BCC = "(e-mail address removed)"
objreply.Attachments.Add Item
End Sub
This is great thanks... The only problem is, when I go into my sent items
after the item has been sent and open up that item I can see that it has been
bcc`d to "(e-mail address removed)"... is there any way so that it does not
show this ??? hide that field or something maybe ???
I was thinking to get round this, when an item is sent to create an
additional new mail and sent the original sent item as an attachment maybe
??? the only prob I am having is the attachment isnt working properly ??? is
attached as a blank ??? not the original sent item ???
I maybe totally wrong on how I am doing this... if you could help me id be
very grateful...
code i tried to do myself ??? doh !!!
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Set objreply = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
objreply.Subject = "Sent Items"
objreply.BCC = "(e-mail address removed)"
objreply.Attachments.Add Item
End Sub