Thanks for the response. I tested the suggestion and no luck.
This is what I have after I restrict the search in the listbox.
If List0.ListCount = 1 Then
List0.Selected(0) = True
Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[ID] = " & Me![List0]
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
[FrmMemberData].Requery < Subform
End If
What can I do to automatically query the subform if only one item remains in
the listbox??
It seems the query works but when the list box is reduced to one item I
can't automatically select that one item before the requery!!!!
This is what I have after I restrict the search in the listbox.
If List0.ListCount = 1 Then
List0.Selected(0) = True
Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[ID] = " & Me![List0]
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
[FrmMemberData].Requery < Subform
End If
What can I do to automatically query the subform if only one item remains in
the listbox??
It seems the query works but when the list box is reduced to one item I
can't automatically select that one item before the requery!!!!