How to search

  • Thread starter Thread starter Muhammad Ali
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Muhammad Ali

how to program a text box which search into listbox like
microsoft help or any dictionary programm and show the result
I would really use a combo box for this. The behaviour you are looking for
is native to it. (autoexpand)

However if you must use a combination of text box and list box...
(incidentally this is what a combo is and where the name comes from)

Private Sub Text2_Change()
Dim lb As ListBox
Dim i As Integer
Dim textlen As Integer
Dim txt As String

txt = Me.Text2.Text 'name of your text box
textlen = Len(txt) 'length of the text in the tb
Set lb = Me.List0 'name of your list box
For i = 1 To lb.ListCount 'for every item in the list
If Left(lb.ItemData(i), textlen) = txt Then 'does it match?
lb.Selected(i) = True 'select the item
Exit For 'don't bother with the rest
End If
End Sub

This is iterative code so your list box should probably be sorted and have
as few items as possible.

peter walker