How to search throught "ALL" directories within Windows..




I would like to know if there is a command or option in the search method to
search througt all the directories in Windows XP, which would include all the
the interenet temp and cache directories/folders.
I tried the windows "Search" feature on the start meun, it doesn't include
the hidden Internet or other "temp" folders.

I also tried the command line method.. " > Dir XXX /s "

still no luck

would someone please tell me how?

Thanks in advance.

Aussie Bomber


I would like to know if there is a command or option in the search method to
search througt all the directories in Windows XP, which would include all the
the interenet temp and cache directories/folders.
I tried the windows "Search" feature on the start meun, it doesn't include
the hidden Internet or other "temp" folders.

"Agent Ransack" is a much better search tool than the windows one
(IMHO) and I can search all directories and subdirectories and get
hidden files with it.

Get it here:-

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