would like to post a question to this ng but thought it
best to search for a similar subject 1st.
but the search function does not seem to be working.
when click on search i get the query fields and when put
in a word that i know is in a message in the ng i still
get nothing in the search list box.
what am i doing wrong, am following the instructions below.
Please advise, and also please let me know if there is a
better newsgroup to ask this question.
Thank you for your help.
"Searching for Messages
You can search newsgroups for specific messages if you
click Search in the lower-right frame. You can search for
up to five criteria: newsgroup, message sender, subject,
message body, and date.
When you click Search, a search window will appear for you
to enter your search criteria. By default, the Look in
field displays the current newsgroup. To broaden your
search outside the current newsgroup, click the arrow to
the right of the Look in field and select a broader topic
category from the drop-down list. Then specify your other
search criteria in the remaining four fields (any of them
can be left blank except for date range), and then click
Messages that match your criteria will appear in a form
similar to that of the sorted newsgroup. Click a message
in the list in the upper frame to view the content in the
lower frame."
best to search for a similar subject 1st.
but the search function does not seem to be working.
when click on search i get the query fields and when put
in a word that i know is in a message in the ng i still
get nothing in the search list box.
what am i doing wrong, am following the instructions below.
Please advise, and also please let me know if there is a
better newsgroup to ask this question.
Thank you for your help.
"Searching for Messages
You can search newsgroups for specific messages if you
click Search in the lower-right frame. You can search for
up to five criteria: newsgroup, message sender, subject,
message body, and date.
When you click Search, a search window will appear for you
to enter your search criteria. By default, the Look in
field displays the current newsgroup. To broaden your
search outside the current newsgroup, click the arrow to
the right of the Look in field and select a broader topic
category from the drop-down list. Then specify your other
search criteria in the remaining four fields (any of them
can be left blank except for date range), and then click
Messages that match your criteria will appear in a form
similar to that of the sorted newsgroup. Click a message
in the list in the upper frame to view the content in the
lower frame."