How to save Outlook message as a Word doc



I have topics on a specific subject stored in a folder on my computer. They
are mostly Word documents. I am doing research and I receive email
information I would like to save in this same file, but would prefer to save
it as a Word doc to keep it easy to access, read, and forward as an
attachment. This would also allow me to have everything saved in one
location. The options I get in the "Save As" are not options that will work.
The closest would be "text" but I'm not sure that would also save photos
that are in the email.

Is there a way to save an Outlook message, short of the copy/paste I now
have to do, as a Word doc?




Thank you for responding Brian, at least I can stop looking now!

Two questions to follow up if you don't mind?

1. Can you (or anyone else?) suggest an easy way to save these messages in
the same folder with the rest of the research, other than just saving a copy
of the message? The rest of the research is either in Word or Excel format.
The problem comes when I want to share the research. It's difficult to send
the information when half of it is in Outlook email format. I haven't
checked, but I'm assuming for now I can attach the emails *to* an email as an
attachment? The problem is, it is messy and it makes for a major
interruption of the "flow" of sharing the information when it is in so many
different formats. In addition, the receiving end may not have Outlook to be
able to open it.

I find just trying to make sense of the research myself when I have to
continually open emails along with documents very difficult.

2. How/where can I suggest this option be added to Outlook?

I can usually find work-arounds, but this one has had me stumped for a
while. I have too many messages to individually copy/paste each one into
Word. I would think this would be a problem for others; I'm surprised it
hasn't come up before.

Thanks again for your help, I *really* appreciate it!


Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

1. Can you (or anyone else?) suggest an easy way to save these messages in
the same folder with the rest of the research, other than just saving a copy
of the message?

There are third-party tools you can buy that may make it easier. Start here:
2. How/where can I suggest this option be added to Outlook?

Is you post a suggestion (which you can do since you're using the web
interface to the newsgroups), supposedly Microsoft will see it eventually (if
enough people agree with it). Outlook has a "Contact Us" menu item under Help
for some versions.

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