How to save a form as a report




Sorry if this question has been asked. The threads that I went through
mentions a form cannot be printed and the best way to print a form is to save
it as a report. I tried tinkering with it and sort of managed to output to a
report format ( via a print button, not sure if it is the correct method).
However, the information that is in that form when it is 'sent' to a report
does not contain any data i.e. it is blank.

As such, was wondering how I can go about doing it correctly. Would
appreciate some examples as I'm still new to Access. Thanks in advanced.

Rick Brandt

Erika said:

Sorry if this question has been asked. The threads that I went through
mentions a form cannot be printed and the best way to print a form is
to save it as a report. I tried tinkering with it and sort of managed
to output to a report format ( via a print button, not sure if it is
the correct method). However, the information that is in that form
when it is 'sent' to a report does not contain any data i.e. it is

As such, was wondering how I can go about doing it correctly. Would
appreciate some examples as I'm still new to Access. Thanks in

Right-click the form and choose "Save as report". That will result in a report
that looks the same as your form and is bound to the same RecordSource, but
there is no sort of "link" between them. The form simply acted as a template
for the creation of the report.

You now need a button on the form that will open or print the report while
applying a filter so you only get the current record on the form included in the

DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportName",acViewPreview,,"PrimaryKeyField = "



Thanks for the info. However, the first part of your explanation about Save
as a Report via the Right mouse click. I don't seem to find this option, all
I get is "Design View", " PivotTable View" and so forth. Not sure, if I'm
doing it correctly i.e. via the form?

As for the button, will give that a try.

Thanks again.

Rick Brandt

Erika said:

Thanks for the info. However, the first part of your explanation
about Save as a Report via the Right mouse click. I don't seem to
find this option, all I get is "Design View", " PivotTable View" and
so forth. Not sure, if I'm doing it correctly i.e. via the form?

As for the button, will give that a try.

Are you right-clicking on the opened form or on the name of the form in the db
window? I was talking about the latter.



Sorry for the delayed reply.

Thanks for your reply. I will give it a try when I have the chance.

Once again, appreciate the help.

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