How To Save A Completed User Form as PDF in 2003

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rich Locus
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Rich Locus

Forum Members:

When my user completes a User Form, I use the following command to print it:

Is there any way to "print it to a PDF" or save it as a PDF? I have tried
Printer PDF emulators, where you print to a Logical PDF printer, but then the
print driver asks you for the filename and target directory, etc. I just
want to set the file name from VBA and have no user interaction when the PDF
is created. I understand that 2007 has that capability as a plug-in, but I
didn't find anything for 2003 in the help files.

Is it possible?


Rich Locus
Logicwurks, LLC
Wish I could take credit for this project. The main code is from Mr.
McDaniel and has been modified with input from other developers.

What is interesting is that every printer name in your "Printer and Faxes"
folder ends in "on NeXX", where "XX" is a different number for each printer
listed. Therefore, you must use the STOP as shown below and then hover over
the line above it to know what number will replace the XX.

If you need code to send as an email attachment I can send that to you as

Sub PrintToPDF()

' SOURCE: Ken McDaniel version -->

On Error GoTo SubErr

Dim PSFileName As String
Dim PDFFileName As String
Dim DistillerCall As String
Dim ReturnValue As Variant

Application.StatusBar = "Creating PDF of Calendar"

' Set folder path and file names
Dim DocsFolder As String
'DocsFolder = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop")
DocsFolder = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("MyDocuments")
'MsgBox DocsFolder
PSFileName = DocsFolder & "\PigeonTrainingCalendar.PS"
PDFFileName = DocsFolder & "\PigeonTrainingCalendar.PDF"
'MsgBox PDFFileName

'If the files already exist, delete them:
If Dir(PSFileName) <> "" Then Kill (PSFileName)
If Dir(PDFFileName) <> "" Then Kill (PDFFileName)

''The Sendkeys characters are the full path and filename, followed by the
"Enter" key.
' These are buffered until the "print to file" screen appears:
SendKeys PSFileName & "{ENTER}", False

'Print the document to PDF
'ActiveSheet.PrintOut , PrintToFile:=True ' ORIGINAL CODE

'Print the document to PDF specifically using the"Adobe PDF on Ne07:"
Dim STDprinter As String

STDprinter = Application.ActivePrinter
'To get the adobe PDF printer name, set it as the default printer
and use this stop
' then hover over the line above to get the actual printer name

' change printer
Application.ActivePrinter = "Adobe PDF on Ne07:"
' prints the active sheet
ActiveSheet.PrintOut , PrintToFile:=True
' change back to standard printer
Application.ActivePrinter = STDprinter

'Add double quotes around the PS filename and PDF filename:
PSFileName = Chr(34) & PSFileName & Chr(34)
PDFFileName = Chr(34) & PDFFileName & Chr(34)

'Modify path below to where your Acrodist.exe is located
DistillerCall = "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8\Acrobat\Acrodist.exe" & _
" /n /q /o" & PDFFileName & " " & PSFileName

'Call the Acrobat Distiller to distill the PS file. ReturnValue is zero
'if the application doesn't open correctly:
ReturnValue = Shell(DistillerCall, vbNormalFocus)
If ReturnValue = 0 Then MsgBox "Creation of " & PDFFileName & "failed."

Application.StatusBar = ""
MsgBox "The PDF creation process is now complete!", vbInformation

Exit Sub

MsgBox "An Error occured during PDF Preparation:" & vbCrLf & Error,
vbInformation, "Problem"
Resume SubExit

End Sub
Good luck,

Ken Olson

Thanks for sending this solution!! I was beginning to think there was no
way to accomplish this.

Thanks again for your post.
Hope it works as well for you as it did for me.

Rich Locus said:

Thanks for sending this solution!! I was beginning to think there was no
way to accomplish this.

Thanks again for your post.