How to run the method in a schedule??

  • Thread starter Thread starter yindevil
  • Start date Start date



I am coding a program that need to run a method in a schedule when
start a program, but i have no idea to make it(how to code it). Can
someone help me please?

My case:

The user can input many task(start time, stop time and action(call
which method)) at the same time, just like a table. When the current
time is equal the start time in each row of table, it will run a
method(for example: call a method to printout something in the

Is there any simple code for me to reference?

You need to use one of the Timer classes. Look at System.Timers.Timer, it
lets you execute something after a given interval.

I found these code from MSDN

using System;
using System.Threading;

class TimerExampleState
public int counter = 0;
public Timer tmr;

class App
public static void Main()
TimerExampleState s = new TimerExampleState();

// Create the delegate that invokes methods for the timer.
TimerCallback timerDelegate = new TimerCallback(CheckStatus);

// Create a timer that waits one second, then invokes every second.
Timer timer = new Timer(timerDelegate, s,1000, 1000);

// Keep a handle to the timer, so it can be disposed.
s.tmr = timer;

// The main thread does nothing until the timer is disposed.
while(s.tmr != null)
Console.WriteLine("Timer example done.");
// The following method is called by the timer's delegate.

static void CheckStatus(Object state)
TimerExampleState s =(TimerExampleState)state;
Console.WriteLine("{0} Checking Status
{1}.",DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay, s.counter);
if(s.counter == 5)
// Shorten the period. Wait 10 seconds to restart the timer.
if(s.counter == 10)
Console.WriteLine("disposing of timer...");
s.tmr = null;

I think these code can solve my problem, but it can handle one task
only... how can i edit it to handle multi task? I don't know how to
edit it...