How to roundoff the decimal points to the nearest whole integer?
How to roundoff the decimal points to the nearest whole integer?
How to roundoff the decimal points to the nearest whole integer?
Is there a way to achieve such a roundup across a range of cells?
I understand =round(your_cell_reference,0) but that produces the rounded
value of, say A3 in, say, B3.
I often need to reduce a range of cells by a specified %. I then enter, say
.97 into a cell - so as to achieve a 3% reduction - and then copy/paste
special/multiply across range. This will give me results that are not whole
integers, but it is whole integers that are needed. (I then go in and
manually change the range values to the whole integers that I need, and this
can sometimes be 100s of cells!)
Anyone got some brillant way of doing this? Many thanks in advance!